Hi, well I haven't been on this website for a while but its highly addictive lol...
It's great what you're up to!
Although, hard to give you some advice on that, because it has both it´s advantages and disadvantages.
In South Africa the weather indeed will be very pleasant during that time of the year and in Europe it really depends on where you would go. When you're visiting the South of Europe the weather can be very pleasant as well. Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece for example are usually lovely during that period of the year.
The advantage of travelling with a group is that you've got company. You are in the same boat as other travellers and your trip will be guided through professionals. However, the big disadvantage is that you´re limited in your freedom. Always stuck to schedules and always depending on others.
On the other hand, I know travelling alone can be a bit scary. But loads of my friends did this and had a great time. Europe is great place to experience this in my opinion. You will meet people very fast and come in touch with all kind of nationalities. Look around on travelling blogs and forums, there are always people searching for company.
I wish you all the luck with your festivities and whatever you choose, you have a great journey coming up!

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