i off to travel next year and would be good to meet up with others.if anyone is doing same trip as me or in tht country at time would be good to meet up.going to try and work in oz too i prob do most me months in oz too.hope to hear from all of you any advice would be nice too thankyou
hey im also going out to oz next year. im gonna try and spend a year out there hopefully on a whv. when u going? caz
i not sure yet depends how much i sdave i was thinking feb time mayb.when was u planning on going? and how much u gonna take.i gonna try and work out there to make it easier for money.what places u want to go? and where you from 20 questions over now lol
im planning aprilish time. as much as i can really min of about £4000. havent really decided yet am open to ideas really just wanna see it all. im from wiltshire x
iv nearly got 4000 but im gonna take more to b on safe side.i got the lonely planet australia guide is really good if you aint got it i recomend getting it.you on facebook at all? x
Wow that's so cool. I would be gone if I was u lol. I seem to be wishing the year away as just wanna go now. Thanks will defo look into it. Yeah I do, send me ur info and will add u x
message sent to ya inbox ok x
hi Alan, when you planning on going to Thailand? I'm looking to book so I go around Christmas time!! Going alone so pretty scared...I'm doing similar route Thailand Auz.....
Liz xx
Hi liz im not sure what time i going u got any prices on tickets for.them two countrys.and hpw long you going for .i was going to.do.new.zealand.but.now i.just thinking.thailand and oz.and how much are you taking hopebto hear from you alan x
Well I was going to book a round the world flight so from UK To Thailand Australia La New York would be about £1100 that's with STA..I'm looking to go around 6minths what about you? Will try and take a grand per month !! Have you booked anything yet? X

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