paul8212 has indicated that this thread is about Western Australia
For your kind of work in WA, employers mainly go through job agencies. A good backpacker job agency that seemed to always be looking for guys like you was Aussie Jobs in city center Perth. Just walk in to the office and seems really unorganized but you eventually always get a chance to talk to the ladies and like I said, they're always looking to place guys out on farms, stations, small towns as laborers, handymen, tractor drivers and such. Otherwise I think there are heaps others too you could try.
I read in an article while I was there that WA needs something like 400,000 new workers a year mainly because the mining industry is booming. From guys I know who got out in the mines, it's hard at first but if you're persistent you can get in there and make really good money (at the cost of the environment) or fill the job of an aussie who's left the job for the mines. If you're persistent, you can get a job in the city but sounds like you'd have no problem getting a job out of Perth. June would probably be be a good time for seasonal work (tourism) further north too. Not sure about the pearling boats though.
Good luck and have an awesome time! WA is fricken GORGEOUS! Go to the beaches!
Hi Paul,
Me and my boyfriend are going out on 14th June to Perth.
What will you be doing for accomodation?
My boyfriend is a Sparky here but has done allsorts of construction work so will be looking for any sort of labour work. Hayes recruitment seems quite good for that.
As for me i'll do anything I can, hopefully office work.
Thank bitbythebug i heard that agency would be good just which ones could help the most i'd have to find out
lydia i'll probably stay in hostels in perth untill finding work somewhere in WA then may get a camper or something or if i can't find work i'll head to broome to try and get pearling work

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