Hey everyone! I live in Seattle, WA and I'm looking to move to Amsterdam. Got most of my paperwork in order for citizenship, just need to find a roommate now. I thought maybe there was someone else on here who is also looking to move and needs a roommate? Or maybe your already in Amsterdam and you will be needing a roommate? I will be there by the end of this year, 2012. Does anyone have any advice on finding somewhere to live or finding work/school in Amsterdam? I have been there twice so I know somewhat what I'm in for, but visiting is way different than moving there. Any advice would be appreciated. And I would also like to meet cool people for friends once I get there, so if your a cool person and not even looking for a roommate or anything I would still love a reply!! Thanks you guys!
That sounds really exciting! I love Amsterdam and would love to live there but I would have absolutely no idea how to go about it! Have you got a job lined up etc? I am sorry, I can't really help with your situation but I wish you the best of luck, it will be fantastic and it's a really brave thing to do! Take care!
Jaimie x
That sounds awesome! My friends and I are doing a similar thing, except there will be six of us! Haha, I don't have any advice for you, but that sounds absolutely awesome! Good luck!
How much does an apartment cost in Amsterdam? I thought it was an expensive place to live.
I found a website that gives cost of living data for cities all over the world: numbeo (dot) com
Might help you look before you leap, since young people aren't always good at that
[ 28-May-2012, at 11:00 by laurim ]
Jayb206- Thank you for the good luck! I don't have a job lined up yet but I've got my EU citizenship so I need all the luck I can get! =)
EuropeBound6- Thanks for the luck as well! Wow six people! When are you guys doing that? Would be great to know some other people in the same situation once I get there =)
Laurim- Yeah its pretty expensive, I'm thinking I'll rent a room at first (like 400-500EUR) and hopefully find a roommmate after that or my own small place. Thanks for that website! =)

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