Melbourne Sept 2012?????

Ciara O has indicated that this thread is about Melbourne

Hi Ciara,

Also planning a trip to Oz

Nothing booked yet but will be doing so in the next few weeks. More than likely be going in December tho and im starting in Sydney. If your plans are to see in xmas and nye in Sydney a few people on here are planning to meet up on Bondi should come along!



Its great to hear tht u r going to hong kong and mel (As I am from Hong Kong and will arrive Mel in mid-aug, lots of ppl r chosen Syd as their first stop)
juz let me know if there I can help (Both in Hong Kong or Mel) xxx


awwwwh guys thanks a milll!!!!! that really means a lot

Julie were are u from? I'll defo be in Sydney for xmas nye for sure.

Gill, I'm going to be in HK for 3 nights. Is there anything there that u think I should see while I'm there? HK facinates me so I wanna make the most of it!!

Thanks again guys will defo meet up

Im from Belfast

Glad to hear you will be in Sydney for nye! What about xmas? Just cant wait to be there watching the fireworks, then boasting about it to the girls back home haha

You can add me on fb if you like -!/julie.sloan.583

Hi there, if you are here in Melbourne in the early part of September (3rd to 9th), Melbourne Soring Fashion Week is happening. It's lots of fun!

Happy travels!

This is my first time in this forum and i am already enjoying the website deals.I wish i could travel to Australia too.

I will be traveling to Africa really soon though.I am very happy about that.Finally done with school.

Hey Ciara,

I might be travelling around that period too. I didn't wanna pay premium for most things just because it's Fashion Week, I am cheapo like that.

So, thinking of going in Oct instead (Oct 18-29). Also, thinking of training up to Adelaide for a coupla days.

Who will be there around these periods that I am going?

Hi Ciara,
I'm flying from Boston to Melbourne in late August. Booked at a hostel for a few weeks and hoping to find work there for awhile before traveling around the country. Should still be around in September and will be going on my own as well.

Melbourne Sept 2012?????

Melbourne Sept 2012?????

Melbourne Sept 2012?????

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