Hi friend
Definitely. As with all insurances, you always question why you pay for them until you actually need them. Travel insurance has paid for my expenses on 2 occasions:
- I had an eye injury that required a minor intervention
- My so, aged one at that time, got an ear infection that prevented us from travelling. His hospital visit and prescription medication were paid for as well as new plane tickets, additional hotel, car rental and meals for the additional time spent while we were grounded due to his inability to fly.
Travel Insurance: never leave home without it.
I believe it's necessary for some people, but not for all. It would be necessary for those of you who are: prone to accidents, elderly, sickly, unsure about plans, prone to worrying, people who book far in advance
For the average traveler who does not fit one of those categories, chances are it's totally optional
No one needs insurance until something actually happens... then it's the best money you ever spent.
Personally I never worry about insuring my personal stuff - I'm too careful to allow anything to happen to it - but medical insurance including repatriation is standard for me. My pockets aren't deep enough to pay for a medical emergency in a foreign hospital.
Here in Havana there's a backpacker begging in the streets to get enough money to pay for his emergency surgery - he's not allowed to leave the country until the bill is paid in full. Not a pretty sight.
everyone can get in an accident and need to get to a hospital. In the vast majority of the world you must pay for medical care. Therefore it is very important to have insurance.
From past experience working with travel insurance companies I recommend not adding additional cover for items like cameras as there is a maximum amount you are covered for anyway. I am primarily referring to large SLR kits with accessories.
I travel with basic cover and in the past that has helped me recover the (three figure!) extra costs incurred to make a pre-booked flight during a French rail strike. It's not just medical emergencies that can be unexpected costs on the road.

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