Hi there, guys.
don´t worry Ossuarium,
I guess everyone of us had second thoughts before. My mother always tried to protect me the best she could, telling me that danger was looming at every corner and that the world we live in is a very bad one. So when I first started travelling alone, you cannot imagine how scared I was. I spent hours preparing my trip in every details, researching about the "dangerous spots" of the places I would travel to to avoid them, and so on... But instead of the thieves, scammers and other criminals I expected, I met helpful locals, wonderful travellers and pleasant staffs. The good thing is that the more you travel on your own the better you will feel about it. I once thought that travelling was a were luxury but it turned out to be one of the best teachers in life and in the end it´s travelling that really freed me...
Yeah I felt that fear back when I was supposed to travel when I was 21/22. I'm now 26 and have finally looked at the money that was saved all that time ago and I am heading to Queensland in October.
I often found myself filling my head with excuses why not to go through with it back then; money, friends, partners. Then finally I started realising that the phrase "Do it while you're young" was rapidly becoming a real factor in me changing my life.
You have an advantage on me in that you have been away before but in all honesty now I'm older. The fear has all but disappeared completely. I haven't even researched where I'm going, what I'm doing. I am just goin for it with the knowledge that I will meet people and I am going to make sure that I have the best time possible.
So yeah, we all feel the same. Some let it get to us and some don't. Thankfully now I'm the latter
I know how your feeling right now. My parents don't even seem interested that I'm going! When they are, yeah, its to tell me how they can't understand why I'd want to spend all that money to live somewhere with a compost toilet! But then my mother won't travel to anywhere that isn't clean and doesn't speak English. (This frustrates me no end.)
I get super nervous sometimes when I think about it. Its going to be my first time travelling in Sept and I've decided to do it alone. I worry about the plane transfers, getting off the plane to a country where I don't speak the language..... But thats half the fun!! Luckily from what I've heard most countries are a hell of a lot more helpful and friendly than the one I live in!
Like most things too, you get real nervous beforehand and then when you doing it, you wonder why you wasted that time worrying.
It'll be alright in the end
Yes, I get nervous because I'm planning on spending a great deal of money in relation to my small yearly income. I'm also getting older, my dog is getting older, and what would happen, what bills would I have should one of us get incapacitated. I think this is just the fact of life and maturing, but when you then weigh the benefits of travel, it's worth the risk and the worry.
Parents never know when to let go - can you blame them?
To those of you first time world travelers, all I can say is that the world has become one small planet - as long as you know English, you'll have almost zero problems! Same/same everywhere.
I know the feeling about feeling guilty after purchasing. All of the sudden things add up and it seems like a lot of money. I have found that when I really plan ahead from how much for food, tickets, car, EVERYTHING to the detail (of how much I can predict for) I know what I am getting into I feel better about my decision. If I automatically know it's going to be too much at that time, sometimes I put off that trip till a cheaper season (and try to save more by then) or I find a cheaper destination.
Travelling can get expensive but if you are determined to go and are prepared/making that step, be firm about your decision and have a great time!
Hey, don't worry about it. I am only 19 and i just completed my solo travel through out Thailand for a month.
I was really worried about my family/gf but with applications for smart phones such whatsapp,
they can easily contact me when im connected to my hostel wifi.
For the guilty feeling,i just have to think "now or never". I think its a natural to feel like you
are abandoning your parents to enjoy and explore the world. But thats the only way to really experience the world.
Just go for it, enjoy and learn as much as you can during the trip.
PS : i myself is going to do my 2nd solo trip to vietnam in september
Thank you, everyone! It's really nice to know that all of you out there have had second thoughts or gotten nervous.
I understand the 'feeling bad about spending lots of money' thing. I have booked my plane ticket and my studio flat in San Francisco for a week for about $900, and I was like ehh.. but everything else that I have planned is quite cheap, plus I have friends there that I stay with, saving TONS of money.
I've been invited there for three months - I stayed there for two the first time I traveled - and I would like to stay there for three this time.. I'm going to be starting university classes when I return, and my parents are very controlling, saying that I shouldn't travel for years, etc. And now they're determined that I only go for three weeks.. but I would rather take the opportunity now and stay as long as I can before I need to buckle down. Besides, classes don't start for months.. What would you guys recommend? My parents will probably freak, but I have everything covered and there's really no reason for me to return here so promptly - we have snow 6 - 8 months of the year, and I like to get away from that for a while!
Successful travel is always a mix of cautious planning with bold adventuring. Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation you didn't plan for, wondering, "How the heck am I going to get out of this and get safely back home?" Yet, one way or another, things always seem to work out. And those mishaps, or unplanned adventures, often make the best travel stories.
"... I was just wondering if any of you ever have second thoughts?..."
Have fun.

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