I am looking into travelling alone to lloret de mar next summer time to work for a couple of months. I have been abroad afew times on holidays but have never travelled alone so as you can imagine im quite nervous. I have been looking into accommodation and can not find anywhere cheap enough for one person. On average a privite apartment is around 800 a month based on 4 people living there. I am female aged 20 will be going on 21 by next summer and wondering If any other young trustworthy females are travelling there next year and would like to share an apartment? This is quite a scary experience for me but one I do not want to miss out on so If anyone would like to get in touch with me please feel free too.
Try hostelbookers who have some cheapish hotels and apartments but Lloret is expensive (and can be very noisy in summer at night).
lowcostholidays sometimes has some cheapish accommodation.
You might try Blanes which is a short (and regular) bus ride away. Or Tossa de Mar which is on the other side.

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