1.) Where are you flying from?
2.) Since you mention "luxurious" I assume you're interested in an all-inclusive resort vacation?
3.) Do you speak Spanish?
If you are going to an all inclusive resort, then it really doesn't matter what Country you are in as you are very insulated from the "real" world. Just make sure you get at least a 4 1/2 star resort. Enjoy the sun, beach, and the endless drinks and relax...
It makes a big difference if you're going to Cuba though. Star ratings are wacked compared to elsewhere and off-resort excursions and exploration can be waaaay different too.
Thank you for all of your replies !
Would be flying from any london - we live in east anglia
luxurious as in self induldgent - crystal clear sea, sandy beaches, the wow factor - makes you feel good
no sorry do not speak any spanish
we will be going all inclusive but would prefer an all inclusive in the middle of no where which quite a few are that I have looked at - would like the option to be able to walk/take a cab somewhere - i.e playa da carmen in mexico looks like that kind of place? - cancun would be too much for us. no idea as to cuba?
by star ratings are wacked - does this mean that they are rated higher than they should be ??
Middle of nowhere? Try the Gamboa Resort in middle of the mountains in Panama. Your are about 1 hr away from the Atlantic, the Pacific, and Panama City => but no beach on site.
This place has the best FOOD of any resort I have ever been to. You can get all inclusive deals from some of the tour operators.
No beach, grt food, isolated, no crazy beach party people!!!
Since crystal clear sea and sandy beaches is top of the OPer's wish list then I doubt the Gamboa Resort will be of interest - it has none of those options.
Cassie, since you're looking for all-inclusive luxury in the middle of nowhere then the destination country is immaterial. A high end resort in Mexico or Cuba (or anywhere else) is still just a resort when you have no interest in interacting with the locals.
For Cuba have a look at the The Royal Hideaway on Cayo Ensenachos and the Paradisus Rio de Oro in Holguin.
Have fun with your research.

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