travel buddy 2014?

not sure if i want to travel on my own, 2014 round the world travel? I'm 18 from Devon anyone thinking about travelling the world in 2014 and looking for someone to go with? :p

Hey! I'm travelling to Australia and New Zealand on my own, and i'm only 18!

Pretty nervous, but excited at the same time :D

nice! when you going? yeah im so nervous but think it will be amazing at the same time :D

Feb 2014, what about you??

where else do you want to go?!

September 2014, pretty much everywhere defiantly Australia, USA, Fiji, New Zealand, India and Thailand, i want to go for a year and maybe more if i fall in love with a place, its finding the money i thought 10.000 would be enough but looking at some of these forums people say you need a lot more =/

tbh, it depends what you want to do, and where you want to stay. if you want to stay in cheap, backpackers hostels, then your going to find it a lot cheaper than staying in hotels every night.

and again, it depends on what you want to do in each country. if your planning on working in america and australia then you might earn up some of the money working to spend in the other countries.

it really depends on you as an individual.

your looking at around £3,000 for your flight alone to all these countries. maybe look at some websites and do a rough price up of everything?!

yeah im happy to stay in hostels haha, ive had a look and you can get a good flight for around 3000, but to get a working visa in oz you need 3000 in your bank so i would have to make sure that was in there, i will work money out im defiantly going just got to decide where is important and wheres not! how long are you going for?

Ah yeah good plan. Just keep having a look online and do all the research

I'm only going for 2 months, as i have commitments back home after!

I want to travel the world to in 2014 are you male or female? I was thinking of buying an around the world ticket

Im looking to travel the world in 2014 - a bit scared definitely need to start saving !!. . not sure how long to stay in each place though

travel buddy 2014?

travel buddy 2014?

travel buddy 2014?

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