Hi I was just wondering if anyone is/has travelled/travelling to Rhodes in Greece alone or anywhere else alone. If so what was it like ?, I am a 18 year old student and I am travelling alone for the first time so I am a bit nervous!!. Thank you Melissa.
hey melissa i done 4 months in greece savage spot create great buzz and sceanery was in corfu aswell very quiet old folks head to horsonisis its mellow i was 21 ran off with 200e and a plane ticket i slept on the beech for a week scared shitless but met a girl she was cool still paly with her to this day found a job drivin mopeds and rent a cars around hotels few crappy jobs to start u learn to survive on your own and your limits are tested but im now headin to thailand in 10 hours still shittin it on me own haha but im gona learn more about me and meet some cool people besta luck on your travels just do it when every1 else gose right u should go left do your thing go alone
Hello melissa!
I think I have replied to you on an other forum (?) but as this forum seem to have limited "traffic" I repeat key elements of my reply there in case more people find it useful :
In general Greece is a very dafe country, but many people while on holidays seem to leave their brains at homme. Be street-wise and use common sense and you'll be fine. Drink sensibly, do not walk alone on dark alleys at night, do not accept offers for a ride from unknown men or a man you just happen to met a couple of hours ago. Be aware of pick-pockets which I am sad to say that they are more often to be found among fellow holiday makers than locals...
Keep an emergency credit or debit card sheparately to your cash or cards you might use daily. E-mail to your own e-mail account a scan of your passport. Have emergency contacts scanned or on a couple of hand write notes and put them in sheparate pieces of laggage readily available, for example phone number of your credit card company or insurance company, just in case...
-Meeting people
People rate hostels highly on this aspect. I find that meeting people is mostly a personality, mood and pure luck thing... If you are open-minded and social, obviously you meet people easier than been too shy or quiet. Usually people traveling are more openinded and keen to make new quaintacies, so been around them helps, hence the whole hype of meeting people in hostels.The same applies though for tours or taverns or pubs that travelers/holiday makers hung around, so no worries.
Meeting people is not always about meeting fellow visitors though. I rate highly on my agenda meeting local people too. It is usually easier to start chatting on a touristed place, first of all your bar tenders, tavern waiters, hotel staff etc, usually conversation goes about different topics and is quite interesting, it is rare to bond and form an indepth relation with locals on a tourist place though. This is because bonding need time and both you and locals hardly have time during holiday season... Try to head on taverns and bars away from the tourist traps, watch where locals frequent and of course take some side trips to more quiet, rural places away from resorts. Then you might have a chance to see how people in Greece live in a slower pace, it is quite an eye opener....
-Passport issue
By Greek law all people in Greece, visitors and residents alike, must carry a proof of identification on them at all times, that been an ID or passport or at least a driving license. Many people seem to ignore this, so I often see advice to lock your passport on a hotel safe as soon as you arrive. It is highly unlikely that police will stop and check you on a holiday resort on a Greek Island, but it is important to know that if they ask and you fail to procced a proof of identity, then police is entitled to arrest you and lead you to nearest police station till they find out who you are. I find it wise to carry always at least a copy of your passport with you although this does not classify as a legal document of course...
HAve a Great Trip!!!
[ 31-May-2013, at 00:53 by mariha2912 ]

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