Hi guys!
I have written on the rent vs buy many times. If anyone is going to be in the US for over 6 weeks, it makes sense to buy a vehicle. In your case buying a minivan will probably be your best bet. Easy to drive, decent gas mileage, large enough for 2 to sleep in it. There are heaps of them out there for sale in all states. Figure between $3K-$4K for a decent van that should not need much repair.
I have helped 16 TP members buy vehicles here in Vegas, most of them vans. Steve & Sarah were from OZ and came to Vegas for help finding the right van for their US adventure. I have a photo them, page 2. They toured the US for 3 months and sold it for $300 less than they paid for it. That is very cheap transport for 3 months of driving around the US. You can really save some money if you sleep in the van 1 out of 3 nights. The van really comes in handy when you hit our National Parks. Camping is $20/nite, rooms are over $150, if you can find one. Most couples save over $1K by not having to find a motel every night. is one example of what I recommend you buying. is another.
Good luck with your planning. Send me a PM if you have any questions. Mike
[ 27-May-2013, at 16:42 by vegasmike6 ]

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