Belize and ...?

We're planning a 3-ish (?) week trip to Belize for March or April. From our research so far, it doesn't really seem like our type of country (too many beach and water activities, not enough hiking through stunning landscapes or city exploring), but we figure we'll keep entertained well enough for a couple of weeks with visiting Maya sights until we tire of those, doing some wildlife and jungle hikes, etc. It's a relatively long flight that way from Europe, though, so we'd like to combine Belize with another destination in the same general region (say, no more than 5 hours flying away, but preferably even less), which would offer something different and more to our liking for another 2-3 (?) weeks.

Belize is one of my least favourite countries in Central America, but if you have a pal living there I'm sure that will make it a lot more fun/interesting.

I'd be investigating the cheapest/fastest way to get to Colombia and give it a try.

Have fun.


Hi Sander:
I am new here, but I live in Belize for 19yrs, I am looking for trip buddies join with me to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, for 3 wks trip, I have two possible time to make my trip a) 3rd ~9th of March until 31st of March b) 6th~9th of April until 30th of April, would u like join me for Central America countries trip?

Day 1 Belize City =>El Peten
Day 2 El Peten => Tikal => El Peten => (night bus) Guatemala City
Day 3 (Morning arrive) Guatemala City => Antiqua =>Lake Atitlan
Day 4 Lake Atitlan => Antiqua
Day 5 Antiqua

El Salvador
Day 6 Antiqua => Santa Ana
Day 7 Santa Ana => Concepcion De Ataco
Day 8 Concepcion De Ataco =>San Salvado
Day 9 San Salvado
Day 10 San Salvado => Suchitoto

Day 11 Suchitoto => Copan
Day 12 Copan
Day 13 Copan => San Pedro Sular => La Ceiba
Day 14 La Ceiba => Roatan
Day 15 Roatan
Day 16 Roatan
Day 17 Roatan => La Ceiba => San Pedro Sular
Day 18 San Pedro Sular => Puerto Cortes => Belize

[ 13-Jan-2015, at 12:06 by belizetw ]

I like Belize a lot but there are no colonial cities. Jungle hiking as among the best there is.
cave exploring, river rafting/tubing, birding. your main blindspot is not doing your home work.

your main blindspot is not doing your home work.

Is that directed to me? If so, you might want to actually read the original post again to see what I was actually asking for. We're pretty much set for Belize. We know what Belize is; doesn't appeal much (including half the activities you listed), but we'll be okay (with the other half). What we're looking for is inspiration, mostly in the form of another country in the same 'region' (very broadly speaking) which can serve as counterpoint to Belize for us during the same trip, like Terry's suggestion of Colombia. (Thanks Terry!)
Regardless of who it was directed to, telling people to do their homework is not helpful or desirable on a travel forum. Travellerspoint in particular strives to have a friendly atmosphere. Yes, I too sometimes get tired of answering the same handful of basic questions dozens of times in the Australia & New Zealand forums (my main area of expertise). But I either answer them yet another time in a friendly manner, or I take a break from answering for a bit.

would u like join me for Central America countries trip?

Thanks for the offer, but between visiting friends in Belize, and having another friend from the USA join us for part of our trip (since we're "in the neighbourhood"), we're all set for company on this trip. I'll have a closer look at some of the specific destinations of your itinerary, though; some of them might appeal, and who knows, if we're actually in the neighbourhood of any of them on the same days, we could bump into each other there and have a drink!

if you had done your homework you wouldn't have said this...
"We're planning a 3-ish (?) week trip to Belize for March or April. From our research so far, it doesn't really seem like our type of country (too many beach and water activities, not enough hiking through stunning landscapes or city exploring), " because the lack of hiking part isn't true.

Hi Sander,

I think regarding hiking and colonial cities for example, a great alternative would be Nicaragua combined with Costa Rica. Nicaragua for a few colonial cities at least, and Costa Rica mainly for nature and hiking. Loads of national parks over there.

I bet there are pretty decent connections from Belize city, maybe with a change of planes.

Cheers and have fun

Belize is world renowned for its national parks, most of the country is protected.
Here are a few...

We're just back from a whistle-stop tour of Central America over six weeks - far too hectic since there are few night-buses in CA (unlike South America). Belize isn't great apart from some diving in Caye Caulker and we were warned that Belize City is not at all safe. However it's fairly quick and easy to get a coach from the dock at Belize City across the border to Santa Elena in Guatemala and then on to Tikal for the ruins in the forest. We also went down to Rio Dulce and on to Livingston and after a couple of days in Honduras for the ruins at Copan, we headed back to Antigua for a few nights and also had Christmas at Lake Atitlan for boat trips and some hiking.

Whatever you decide, enjoy!

Belize and ...?

Belize and ...?

Belize and ...?

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