Interrailing in March! (Requesting some trip feedback)

Hello all, I'm Thel and I'm new to this forum. In search of a good travel forum I stumbled upon this site in hope of getting some help with a few things concerning a Eurotrip I'm planning in March

Hey hon,

I'm a Brit, and from Swansea no-less. What is it about Swansea that is drawing you there? There really isn't much for a tourist to see, especially in March when it will be cold and wet. The beach is beautiful, but only on a rare summer's day. Otherwise, Swansea is a generic student city with a few decent-ish pubs. Cardiff is a much better choice, with lots of museums and other stuff to do, as it is the capital.

Leeds is very much a dodgy student town, but if you are going for football then fair enough. Personally, I'd spend your first day in London, go to Leeds for your football match, then go back to London, with maybe a stop off in Birmingham on the way back. A much bigger, more tourist, city with more to do than either of the Welsh cities you've mentioned. You also made the right choice by dropping Tenby from your list, as that will be miserable in March. It's a tourist town, that basically only functions in the summer months.

And I'd count Edinburgh out in that time-frame. It's a long journey up from London and you'd have like a day then have to turn around to be able to get back to London to enjoy that.

[ 20-Feb-2015, at 06:53 by becimarie ]

Thanks for the great tips, didn't really expect anyone to reply to this overly long post, especially not now! That said, just a few days after I created this thread I actually decided to drop both Edinburgh and Swansea altogether, and focus on the London area instead. A one-day visit to Leeds is still scheduled though, and hopefully I'll have time to visit Bath as well. I looked at Birmingham a few weeks back (looks great), but with the new approach to this trip I think I'll try to keep it to as few stops as possible this time around

As for my reasons for wanting to visit the Swansea area, it was mostly due to an unexpected offer that popped up from a longtime online friend living in Gowerton. I was planning on visiting Cardiff either way, so I figured I'd might as well crash and hang out with him there for a day or so, looking to explore Gower Peninsula (I don't mind bad weather at all when it comes to taking in nature by the way!) to and Swansea's famed nightlife, but I sadly had to cancel in order to fit the rest of my plans for the UK. I'll hopefully get a chance to visit Swansea, Cardiff and the Welsh countryside on a future trip to UK without such time constraints though!

So, anyway...London-Leeds-Bath-London-Lille (2nd-9th) it is!

Oh, and just in case anyone's curious about the rest of the trip (highly doubt it ): Two of the six concerts I was planning on going to sold out before I managed to get tickets, so I only have tickets for London, Ghent, Hamburg and Copenhagen now (not Amsterdam and Stockholm), so that was a real bummer! Will of course still be visiting those cities, and hopefully the black market will treat me well!

Lille-Ghent-Antwerp-Amsterdam-Hamburg-Copenhagen-Stockholm (10th-20th) is still set in stone though!

[ 20-Feb-2015, at 09:20 by Thel ]

Interrailing in March! (Requesting some trip feedback)

Interrailing in March! (Requesting some trip feedback)

Interrailing in March! (Requesting some trip feedback)

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