Travel destinations around Australia

Hi everyone
I'm just looking for some advice.
I'm currently in Sydney and will spend the next 4 to 5 months working here as an au pair. After that I'm hoping to set of on the journey of a lifetime round Australia! From Sydney I was thinking of going and spending about a month in Melbourne with some family friends so I can get my stuff together before I head off travelling. I was planning on buying a campervan and heading off at the end of July or beginning of August for 4-5 months on the road ending up back in melbourne.
My ideal itinerary would be this
Melbourne- great ocean road- Adelaide- ulluru- alice springs- darwin- carirns- brisbane- Byron bay- Sydney- Melbourne
So this would be a huge circle starting and ending in Melbourne. Obviously with many more stops along the way, I'd love to go to as many national parks and lots of less touristy spots.
My question is to you guys is do you think this is too ambitious?
This route could be more than 10,000km over a time of 4-5 months. Do you reckon I would be better doing less destinations and having more time at each place? Has anyone done anything similar? and most of all does anyone fancy embarking on this crazy adventure with me?! I'm hoping to find another 2 or 3 people who would be interested in buying in to the campervan with me? Obviously we would sell it once we return to melbourne.
Any tips would be hugely appreciated, I have never done a trip so big before!
Thanks in advance,

4-5 months for this trip doesn't seem too ambitious. Some stretches of road really don't have a whole lot going on, so you can cover a lot of ground. It all depends on how much time you want to spend in each destination or along the way.

Travel destinations around Australia

Travel destinations around Australia

Travel destinations around Australia

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