Travel buddy jan/feb 2016

Victoriahinch has indicated that this thread is about Asia

ugh u are really brave to travel these countries alone

Woah..your plan sound real fun. Hope you get to know some travel buddies.


Hey! I'm Amy, 23 from Cheshire! Always wanted to travel but all my friends being v boring buying houses/kids etc and I just want have something to tell me kids. Haa! I'm thinking of going with a company as I don't want to do it alone!!!! But it's so expensive to do it that way! I'm wanting to go January to Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia and Bali wherever really but there my main places (:

Hi Vicky & Amy, I'm looking at going travelling in Jan I want to go to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam for deffos but I'm also up for other options & ideas. I am going on my own because my friends are also boring and have all settled down & I'm alone wolf haha! I have looked into group travels with companies & have been told by some of my friends they did the trip for almost a quarter of the price so I'd really rather not do that!

I forgot to say that I am 25 :D

Hey people you all need to just book a flight then you can not make excuses ha... I returned 2 weeks ago from South East Asia and will be returning end of january or early febuary 2016. looking to book my flight to Malaysia kuala lumpur and travel to singapore, indonesia (bali) and gili islands as well vietnam if possible. Im 26 and will be flying from manchester when I decide to book. happy travels

Hey guys sorry I haven't replied sooner. My plans changed over the months and I'm now off to Australia for 6weeks beginning of Feb. I've booked a camper and im driving down the coast from cairns to Sydney. Hope all of your plans have come together and I'll keep an eye out on here to see what other plans you have for the future once back x

Travel buddy jan/feb 2016

Travel buddy jan/feb 2016

Travel buddy jan/feb 2016

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