Entering the USA with a conviction

I was arressted for possession of an illegal firearm nearly 5 years ago. This is the only conviction I have ever had and it was only an air pistol (although under UK law it was classed as a firearm in the 5a category I believe, which is apparently a full power firearm!). Since then I have never had any contact with the police or gotten into any more trouble (nor do I intend to!). Since then a friend of mine has married an American girl and moved to California. He is constantly asking me to come and visit him and I would love to. I was wondering if there was any chance of United States immigration allowing me to get a visa? I don't feel comfortable lying on forms and don't particularly want to take the risk!

If you don't want to lie then it doesn't matter what your chances are, your only option is to apply for a waiver and see what happens.

Good luck.


Thanks Terry.
Hypothetically speaking, if one was to lie, what are the chances of my criminal conviction being known to the american authorities?

Basically zero. The UK does not share normal criminal databases with the US.

Nothing is ever guaranteed though...


Entering the USA with a conviction

Entering the USA with a conviction

Entering the USA with a conviction

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