Trinidad carnival travel partner wanted!!

Public Trip
Visiting: Trinidad and Tobago
Feb 15 – Feb 22 (7 nights)
For the purpose of communicating, I have entered dates for the public to see my correspondance. I wish to get there as soon as possible, but don't yet have a flight, as you will see if you read further...just holding off on flight till can find suitable travel partner.
In canada at present and seeking a travel partner or friend to spend time with for travel safety and security feeling. That is the only thing holding me back. If had travel partner would've left already and would leave tonight/or tomorrow. Sorry my message is typed quickly. If you know of a travel partner, if you are available to spend some time together during carnival surroundings, or would just like to share some info/experiences of carnival dates, or events...that would be appreciated. Thank you so much!
I am longing to find a suitable travel partner. If you know of anyone, please let me know. Otherwise, anything to get an idea of what carnival and it's events are actually like, would be appreciated. Thank you
I was in trinidad for a relationship workshop and left feb3. We knew we were splitting up when returning to canada, spoke about me staying in trinidad because I loved my experience of warmth of beauty and kindness in country and people. Came close to staying but he made me a promise to stay in a wonderful warm comforting snowy cabin in the woods that I find so healing ( he was going far away for work) and longed to stay there and lick my relationship wounds in the beauty of nature, but he retracted that once we landed.
I really cannot afford it, but need to get back to the place I felt such warmth beauty kindness, and omg...the energy of the steel drums!!!
So been desperately trying to find a travel partners accompany so as to have some sense of security and safety, companionship. That is my story. I am longing to get back to trinidad and to experience carnival.
So little time to work with and flights booking up and increasing in price, but some websites still offer ok prices. Because so close to carnival, I would call or offer my phone number if you are up to that. I don't own a cell phone ...a little discouraged, but still trying
I am familiar with the country, comfortable driving on left side of roads in twisty windy mountain tops, and have...or did when last check, lrg clean affordable accomodations. I live in Thunder Bay but would meet in Toronto or port of Spain.
I am curious, warm kind respectful, nursing a broken heart, so have sadness, have sense of humor, am adventurous ie scuba diving etc, spontaneous, fun loving youthful, like to join people on local cultural level, many interests, don't smoke cigarettes or anything else, and drink so little, so is not even worth mentioning. Do like the energy and liveliness of a carnival atmosphere and energy of steel drumming etc. Would love to experience the costumes +++
Thank for reading
Bye for now

So your "relationship workshop" was a failure and he dumped you. You don't have much money, you can't really afford the trip. You're living in Canada but you don't even have a cell phone. You have a broken heart and you're sad. Sorry, but that doesn't sound like a good time no matter what the circumstances.

That said, you're entirely familiar and comfortable in Trinidad, so why in the world aren't you simply travelling solo? Why the need for a complete stranger to accompany you to a place that you've visited before, you love it there and you already know all the ropes? Honestly, I don't follow your reasoning...

Good luck.


Wow. Thanks for the reply...I think!?

First off, the content of your reply all sounded very non understanding and somewhat judgemental and incredible based on black and white thinking.

As a woman, especially one just through some trying times, I don't wish to travel alone. I am very vibrant and full of energy when travelling but some places there will remind me of him. I am a very warm person who connects readily with almost all people I encounter. I have heard so much about crime in trinidad and safety concerns. When we were talking with a police officer near dusk, trying to find a map, I said " that's ok, I'll just ask people for directions" , and he said "No, I don't think you should do that. That's not a good idea". We travel together as two (a male presence helps I think) and asked everyone at all hours with no difficulties and pleasant experiences, but I am not niaeve. That does not ensure it will be the same as a single female traveller. Does that really ( or does any of it) need explaining? Certainly not my finances, but if you want something bad enough, visa will allow me to pay it back.

You question relying on a stranger as a travel partner, yet imply I should travel alone and rely on multiple masses of strangers to provide safe passage?
Was looking for far more of a positive response. Often, just putting it out there will manifest in delightful possibilities and connections or opportunities one may not have envisioned. Yes, would love to have it result in a positive warm friendly energetic kind like minded travel partner and I will not apologize for believing in that possibility or perusing my goals or that which will bring me joy happiness and that which I need into fruition. Thank you....I think??

Don't try to read so much between the lines on an anonymous internet forum or a single short post from a stranger. Also, don't try to twist a straightforward, rational, honest reply into something it isn't.

Re-read your Original Post and put yourself into a stranger's shoes... if you're completely honest then I think you can understand where my reply came from.

All the best to you and good luck with your trip.


Trinidad carnival travel partner wanted!!

Trinidad carnival travel partner wanted!!

Trinidad carnival travel partner wanted!!

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