travelling to Sydney Feb 2015

Hey everyone

My advice is, you dont need as much stuff as you think you do. First time i came to Oz I brought way to much stuff with me, things i never used in the whole year, so i ended up throwing a lot of things away. A first aid kit is definetley worth taking, its surprising how much you use it, not for big injuries. Clothes depends on the person, and how much washing you do. Flip-flops are possibly the most worn item you will wear over here so its worth getting a good pair. Apart from that i dont think there really an essential item you need, if you forgot something, almost everything is readily available over here anyway.

Enjoy your trip!

Imodium, you never no, it can be a god send.
Ear plugs (for flights or hostels where people party and snore)
sink plug
scissors( pack in suitcase)
prescription for medication or specs
copy of passport, keep separate
recharges for cameras, kindle,phone
soap for hand washing clothes
few plastic bags
plastic cape (when it rains it rains)
I couldn't buy insect cream in Oz first time we were there so take it with me now.
Don't assume because it is a western country that you will be able to buy everything. If there is a particular thing you can't do without take it with you.
I could go on and on
Best of luck

wear flip flops in the shower or any place it's wet like walking round a pool, people have verrucas and are highly contagious and they are a nightmare to get rid of I've had one for over 6 years.

If you are taking a backpack you should be able to raise it above your head easily if you can't you have too much stuff in it.

Bit of advice, wash and dry clothes as you go along otherwise you'll run out of everything and start stinking

Thanks for your help guys! - i definitely can't raise it above me head... haha! :S

Swap anything bulky for a smaller alternative, for example headphones, just take iphone ones and not beats. take a thin beach towel instead of a normal bath towel (i had both and i could of saved sooooo much more space)

take like 1 pair of jeans and 1 jumper/hoodie, places in the south do get quite chilly around june to september.

essentials i recommend are as mentioned above - first aid kit, bug spray, good flip flops, sunnies, copies of your passport, travel insurance, visa etc. Australian power adapter (you will have many fights over sockets in hostels), playing cards (for kings cup ) ear plugs if you're a light sleeper. thats all i can think of atm

make sure you have some back up money at home or help from parents, just incase you run out of money or you need an emergency flight home or whatever. just think of all possible situations and have a back up!

If you are traveling to other countries after Australia
check out Visa requirements for each country and where you can purchase on route
take passport photographs for Visa this will save time for you

travelling to Sydney Feb 2015

travelling to Sydney Feb 2015

travelling to Sydney Feb 2015

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