Thailand vs Philippines

Hi evereybody

hi there, well for 1 i am an american living in phillipines, and i have travelled to thailand quite a bit this past year, spent about total of 3 months there

i love them both

phillipines: VERY VERY cheap place to live (but i live in the provinces where it's cheaper than Manila, but still Manila can be cheap).

thailand: also can be very cheap BUT can easily become an expensive place to be at with the nightlife. there are VERY high end restuarants and accomodations for tourists but if you stay away from that lifestyle you'll probably be better off financially

i'd prefer thailand for fun, and phillipines financially

Hi evereybody

I am to study in Manila come this september. I have been doing some research on the Philippines with regards to the culture and so on. I know that the Phillipines is a catholic country. Likewise it has been colonized by both the spanish and the americans.

I have travelled to Thailand and was as most people I guess overwhelmed by it. What a great place!

So this thread is for all you people that have visited both countries or maybe live in Phillipines. What is the differences in culture, food, nightlife, climate and so on? Which country do you prefer and why.

Also for those of you that have been in Manila what advice would you give for somebody planning to live there for some time?



In the P.I. they drive on the same side of the road as the Germans and French. You've been to Thailand so you know they drive on the "other" side of the road like the Brits.

My personal opinion is that the beer is cheaper in the Philippines than Thailand and for the most part I thought hotels were cheaper in Thailand in the places I go to. Perhaps up in the hills or on an island far away from "touristy" areas you can find really cheap hotels in the P.I.

I think Bangkok is cleaner than Manila and the streets and sidewalks are better maintained. I like the bars better in Thailand than the P.I. Traffic sucks more in the Philippines than Thailand. Transportation is more efficent in Thailand and the busses and taxi cabs seem to be in better shape.

Filipinos speak and write English more fluently than the Thai's do. Lots of newspapers printed in English. Thailand does tourism better and more efficiently but I think the Filipinos are more genuinely friendly. I like the food slightly more in the P.I. than Thailand, except for the baluts.

When I am in the P.I. I always have an odd feeling when I see armed guards outside Seven Eleven stores, hotels, bars and when I get my bags checked going into the mall - I always feel like they expect bombs to go off every minute. This is in Manila not Mindanao! Maybe it is necessary, I don't know.

I'll be back in the P.I. in June for another visit with some friends, then back to Thailand.

Hi evereybody

I am to study in Manila come this september. I have been doing some research on the Philippines with regards to the culture and so on. I know that the Phillipines is a catholic country. Likewise it has been colonized by both the spanish and the americans.

I have travelled to Thailand and was as most people I guess overwhelmed by it. What a great place!

So this thread is for all you people that have visited both countries or maybe live in Phillipines. What is the differences in culture, food, nightlife, climate and so on? Which country do you prefer and why.

Also for those of you that have been in Manila what advice would you give for somebody planning to live there for some time?



Well Phil's is traffic hell. But they have some far the best universities in Asia... Almost 3/4 in my class am teaching medicine, are not study well while here...

Thailand vs Philippines

Thailand vs Philippines

Thailand vs Philippines

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