hello people
just wondering can anyone tell me if it possible to take your rsa online
No it is not possible to take your RSA online. It is a one day course that you have to do, if you want to work in a bar in Sydney.
Also most bars in Sydney (which I found) you also had to have a RSG Responsible Service for Gambling. You do not have to have one for anywhere else in Oz. If you don't plan to work in Sydney then don't bother. There are plenty of jobs out there, you just have to find them.
Quality Hospitality International do an online course that isvalid everywhere else in Oz except the hotbed of hospitality work - Sydney. Apparently in about 3-weeks you will be able to add Sydney to the course. I think you can connect to them via www.work.australia.com (Tourism Australias Working Holiday Promo Site).
Oh well there you go, that is news to me! Sorry for the incorrect info.
I did my RSA online with Quality Hospitality International, I can send you their website and contact details if you like? This covers me for W.A, S.A, A.C.T, N.T & Queensland Took me a couple of weeks but depends how much time you have I guess.
I have read somewhere you can do it online...cant remember where though. Also you need one for each different state.

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