G day
My girlfriend and i are planning a three month trip in SA. Through the help of other posts here we've worked out a rough plan to get from Buenos Aires to lima, the next stage is onto Sao Paulo from there. We would like to do the inca trail and maybe see Iguazu falls if possiable, we we're thinking about going overland but is there any legs of the journey you would recomend flying? We would have about 2 months to make to trip, we don't mind going off the beaten track, would you suggest this to be enough time?
Thanks in advance
2 months is about enough to get from BsAs to Lima, including Cusco and surroundings and maybe an excursion from BsAs to Iguazù and back. It's crazy to also include an overland journey from Lima to SP.
What do you want to go to Sao Paulo for, anyway? I had to go there twice, and it's really not the kind of city that is worth visiting, imo. Plus, an overland journey there from Lima is rather time-consuming: you'd either have to backtrack to La Paz and then continue via Santa Cruza and Campo Grande, or you have to find a way to cross into Brazil directly, via Pucallpa and Cruzero do Sul. I have no idea whether that is at all possible. I should also mention a third option (via Puerto Maldonado), but that is not recommendable, if only for the time it take to get there from Cusco.
You can do the following, all by bus.
Take a bus to Puerto Maldonato and further on to Inapari on the border with Brasil.
Cross the border and you arrive in Assis Brasil where you can continue by bus to Rio Branco and further on to Porto Velho.
Make a trip in the Amazon forest near Porto Velho and take a bus to Cuiabà (northern Pantanal) or straight to Campo Grande (southern Pantanal). Visit the Pantanal (northern or southern). Continue by bus to Bonito (worth a visit, see internet). From Bonito you can take a bus to Foz do Iguaçu. From Foz do Iguaçu to Sao Paulo; there are several buses each day.
All these connections you can do easely by bus.
For an excursion in the Amazon forest near Porto Velho, look at the pictures of: -snip-
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