Hey Im going to be travelling to South America in February 2010 after a New Zealand trip. I think i have to fly into Santiago I would like to travel to Patagonia and far south Ushuaia (How long do I need???? How much cash lonely planet says 3 weeks to 2 months ... I would like to do it in maybe a month or month and a hlf) . Then back up to see Iguazu falls(Argentina), Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia) and some things there. Then go to Peru and see Machu Picchu (anywhere from$700+) after that i want to head into Equador and do a trip of the Galapagos Islands (Scuba DivinG so expensive but i found a relatively cheap liveaboard for $1599) then im visiting friends in Colombia and then going on the coast to tre through Ciudad Perdida not sure how much this would cost??? Then going to Venezuela to see Agel falls. I would like to see the Amazon rainforest but im not sure the bes place to see it from??? I would like to visit the cities in Brazil but im no sure if i will have enough time or money??? Or where my fliht will go from in SA back to the UK. So i should have $6000AUS to $8000AUS. Do you guys think that is all feasible in 4 months on that budget???? Also any tips on staying on a budget in South America?? Does everyone find South America safe?? Thanks very mch your feedbac will be most apreciated
Hi, Ive just come back from 4 months in South America, I started in BA in Argentina, then went to Iguazu, down to Patagonia (but only Bariloche) up through Santiago and Chile, into Peru, Machu Pichu etc, Bolivia, salt flats, amazon and mining towns, then Brazil for the last 20 days. I took 3 and a half grand (english) but i probabaly spent close to 4. It really depends on what you choose to leave out in terms of money, seeing the main sights is great but its the little places on the way that makes the trip so amazing but also increases spending. Travelling is pretty much dirt cheap, and overnight buses will save you money on accomadation, hostels can be found for under $10 US a lot of the time per night and food can be done for nearly free if you really want. As i didnt go to some of the places youre wanting to visit I cant comment on them, but from other travellers it seems much the same in every country. Patagonia-wise depends on what you want to do there, if youre skiing then maybe longer, if not you can do it in under 2 weeks from what friends have done and reccomend. Safety Wise If you come from a big Western City or know how to behave in one you should be completely fine, Im 19 and travelled with one friend (18) and had no problems whatsoever, just a bit of common sense and precautions here and there. Id say the biggest problem is reliability, ie your bus companies running on time or not breaking down, your flights not being cancelled, strikes and protests in the area, cash machines working, booking decent tours etc. If you have any spanish half of these problems are easily solved if not its still not hard in most places. I flew out of Rio ( Brazil is annoyingly expensive but unmissable in my opinion) to Heathrow. Your trip sounds pretty packed, again if youre just going to the places you mention no reason why it cant be done, but it doesnt leave much room for improv.
hope this helps?!
@ Oscarr
You state that Brazil is 'expensive'; I am trying to figure budget for SA. Can you give me a rough estimate on budget for Brazil? I will stay in hostel/homeshare/etc and love street food/cheap eats! Any ideas on a rough daily budget?
@ Oscarr
You state that Brazil is 'expensive'; I am trying to figure budget for SA. Can you give me a rough estimate on budget for Brazil? I will stay in hostel/homeshare/etc and love street food/cheap eats! Any ideas on a rough daily budget?

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