I just registered the New Year thread on the oz/nz board.
Nice idea. I'm sort-of in for it, as long as the whole event is going to be (close to) free. Travel to UK would be expensive enough already. In that respect, it may make more sense to do this somewhere on the continent?
Well, looks like just you and me Niels - unless anyone else is interested I think we might be best off giving it a miss! I'll open a beer in your honour....
Ooh, I totally missed this thread! Don't give up yet! I'm quite interested in this happening, too. (Also see the thread in the Off-topic forum.)
Can I suggest Spain/Portugal as the location? Precise location over there doesn't matter much to me (though I'd really like Andalucia/Algarve), but just someplace warm for a couple of days would be great. (Also, Brendan will be over in Spain for New Years.)
New Year??? I'll be away already...
But I'm up for anything before December!
Okay Hien - do you want to do something for 5th November maybe? Anyone else up for a fireworks outing?
continuing here from the other thread (in off topic) ...
I'd definitely need to set up some coffee cans myself. Plus it will have to be another new-years - I actually just booked tickets for Christmas/New Years in Spain
Spain as in Madrid?
sounds perfect.
Isn't it cold down there during winter? Oh well, lots of wine then I guess
It can be, but it's better than ... let's say Utrecht
To be honest. Cadiz could be a nice place in winter. (enough possibilities to fly to nearby airports: Jerez or Sevilla, and even Malaga would be possible. and for the people that want: Madrid, and than the AVE to Sevilla (2,5 hours), and the train to Cadiz, 1,5 hours.) and around christmas still pretty good for weather (climate-wise).
[ 18-Aug-2009, at 15:13 by Herr Bert ]
It looks like two meet-ups might be emerging......
1) Hien and I are going to do something for Guy Fawkes. I'm thinking a town in Sussex might be the best bet. Normally I would go for Lewes but the last couple of times I've been there it's been mental and I can understand why they're asking 'outsiders' not to visit, so I was thinking Battle (on 7th November) or Rye (on 14th - I think). If you're staying in or visiting the UK at about that time you should come along, bonfire night is an entirely different experience in Sussex from the tame firework displays that go on across the rest of the country. Let me know though 'cause we might need to sort out somewhere to stay for the night.
2) I'm getting the sense that more than a couple of people might be interested in spending the New Year with Brendan in Spain. Now, much though I'd like to I'm not sure I'll be able to do this unless there are some ridiculously cheap flights when Ryanair et al release their Winter schedules, but it does sound like a very nice idea. Cadiz is looking like the likeliest bet - again post here if you want to do this.
[ 20-Aug-2009, at 05:57 by magykal1 ]
I have an idea! You guys can come on over to Montreal. I'll put you on baby duty so Neal and I can go out and have a nice time. I'll buy you snacks and soft drink and everything!
Its highly unlikely (unless l win the lottery!) that l can make either suggestions of the meetups - but as a matter of interest - l know why Guy Fawkes is celebrated ie the history, (attempted blowing up of parliament, traitor etc etc) but what happens celebratory wise on 5th November - we dont tend to go in for it much in Northern Ireland.
So what can you expect - l know there's a bonfire with an efigy of the man himself Guy! What else - just lm likely to be going to something this year and lve never been or considered celebrating it before!
Sorry lm going off topic!

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