Travelling with a new born.

Hi Everyone,

Going to India with a small child imo is totally irresponsible. While a mere inconvenience to adult travellers in good health, the microbial life forms of the Indian subcontinent are potentially dangerous to a young child that is only starting to build up resistence against the bugs in its own part of the world. Inoculation will protect against the really nasty exemplars, but even a 'simple' food poisoning can seriously weaken your child's defences for weeks.

I'd stick to 'civilised' destinations until your child has reached the age of four or thereabouts. And even then, I wouldn't take it to India. You have a duty to ask yourself whether it will in any way benefit your kid, and I seriously don't think it will.

I'm in a similar circumstance and have similar questions. We're thinking of Mexico when baby is about 5 months, with a jaunt to Ireland to see the in-laws next May, as well. I figure we rarely have so much time off, so why not make the most of it!

There are a few travelling-with-baby websites out there. As bentivogli said, some places need lots of inoculation and extra caution, so you may want to speak to a travel clinic about the risks. I remember reading an article about parents of a 2-year-old who packed up everything and travelled India for months. So I suppose it is possible... but best to gather all the info and decide from there.

I'm subscribing to the thread to get info myself. Great topic--very timely!

[ 02-Oct-2009, at 08:03 by tway ]

When I was travelling in South America three years ago, I met an Icelandic couple that were travelling with their 10 month old baby in Argentina for a few months. I thought they were the coolest people on earth! I said to myself that this would be exactly what I would do when I had a baby too! And I definitely will when that time comes.

What they told me was that it was even easier when their little boy hadn't started walking. Made it so much easier on buses and in flights. They also said that they just traveled a little different. Better hostels/hotels, better buses, shorter days, and they loved every minute of it.

Of course it will be different from your other travels, but I personally think that if you plan it well, talk to your doctor about vaccinations for your little one etc. , you will have the best of times!

Congratulations by the way and good luck with everything

What they told me was that it was even easier when their little boy hadn't started walking. ... they loved every minute of it. ... you will have the best of times!

This post makes pretty clear what I mean. When you have a kid, life ceases to be all about you. Sure, other people will think you are pretty cool, but wouldn't it be possible that your child had a much better time staying in more comfortable surroundings, not moving around all the time?

Ok, still childless, but hopefull not in the not so far future. My two cents:

I definately want to keep travelling with a kid, though things will of course change.
The good thing is: mostly babies of 0-1 years old pay just 10% of the price of a plane ticket.
Also, although a baby needs sleep, it really can sleep almost anywhere, anytime, anyhow. Doesn't matter where, it is just a piece of comfortable luggage that is alive! Isn't that great

I would certainly go for it, but like Bentivogli pointed out rightly in my opinion: I would avoid India and travelling to less 'riskfull' destinations, where diseases like malaria and many others are not prevalent. The risk is just higher in countries like India.

I don't know exactly what you like and where you are from, but travelling in western countries can be just as great. Or countries where certain risks regarding diseases are way less of a problem. People in Morocco or Thailand will adore you and your child, and malaria (except for some Thai areas) are close to zero as well.
Chile and Argentina and most areas of South Africa would be a great idea as well.

All in all, don't step into the trap called 'as long as my baby/child is happy, I am happy'. Although this might apply to some people, there are probably lots of examples of people who want to do something else. And when a kid is used to beaches and pools, it doesn't get used to travelling around either. A good combination would be great.

Still, what is most important would be the health of your child!
Have fun!

What I was only trying to say is that is possible. And thought it's true your life ceases to be only about you, it's still not only your babies life. I've met too many people that say " Oh, If I hadn't had babies, I probably would have traveled the world..."

Of course Argentina isn't India, and the couple I met chose Argentina instead of other countries because of it's good transport as well of being relatively safe and free of malaria.

I just wanted to encourage mtkt, because he probably got a lot more people saying he's crazy. Which I think he isn't.

Many thanks for all the comments.

bentivogli - must admit, do agree with you. Our baby wont benefit from the trip to India and we kinda feel selfish if we go ahead with it.

tway - good to hear that 'other people' are thinking 'should I, shouldn't I'.....

elincita - We've also thought that it will prob be easier travelling before the baby starts crawling/running all over the place. Over the last few years, we've migrated from £2 pn hostels to decent hotels so this shouldn't be a problem. You're correct about most people saying i'm crazy, so cheers for the encouragement.

Utrecht - maybe India is too 'risky'. Starting to consider other destinations. I visited Utrecht a number of years ago and went up the Dom Tower - cool view!

Thanks again - I need to go and do some more thinking.......

Its really very difficult to be on vacation or travelling with a new born but it doesn't mean that one can compromise to travel along with a new baby becoz there are some circumstances in which one has to travel and if there is a new born baby is there with that person,he could,nt avoid travelling.

Hi Mike,

I am in the very same situation, but I already have a 5 month old girl. My partner and I have travelled a lot also, it was the biggest fear of ours (well mine really) that we would not have the freedom to just up & go when the mood took us (me). I battle with my travel demons everyday, I am so thankful for having a beautiful daughter but equally I miss the excitement of all those different travel experiences.

In reality I guess I will wait until she is a bit older and then I want her to experience all the magical places.

As a starting block India may be a bit too much for a newborn but in time why not!

Hope you continue travelling.

Travelling with a new born.

Travelling with a new born.

Travelling with a new born.

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