I came back from Australia last year and loved it. I have been back in the UK for 6 months and I'm still out of work. I'm a qualified Secondary English teacher and there is no work even as supply! (Although I have had 5 days supply in 6 months!). Anyway while I was in Oz I went on a WHV but I only worked for a month. I would love to go back and have seen that there seems to be loads of teaching jobs out there but Im not sure if I can take another WHV or will I have to apply for a skilled immigrant visa?
It makes me so mad because my WHV for Oz only runs out in May this year
Unless you carried out 3 months of fruit picking or other seasonal job, you cant apply for a second WHV. if you could have returned a little earlier than now you could have done this on the time you had left on your current WHV, then got your second. Hope that makes sense!!.
seems like you will need some kind of skilled visa or sponsorship visa.
hope you manage to get back out there.
Aside from English, do you know another language? Could you teach that language or teach English in that language? Aside from being a Secondary English teacher could you teach another subject, say maths, biology, etc? How difficult would it be for you to get certified to teach another subject?
Germany desperately seeks young qualified secondary teachers, as a native speaker of English you would be snapped up immediately. You'd need to be qualified to teach another subject aside from English though.
Just as an alternative if the skilled migrant visa for Oz doesn't work out.
Thankd t_maia I can also teach Media and Drama but I guess they wont be as sought after in Germany! I can speak a little French but not enough to teach using it
Tobastaff I was afraid someone would say that I have looked into going back on a skilled migrant visa but the whole process is very lengthy and difficult, but I guess I will have no choice but to go down that route if I want to go back
Marry an aussie...there are thousands of us in the UK!
That is tempting!!! Marry me!!???

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