i'm heading off to australia for a year in May. I've gone previously to oz but only for 2 weeks. While i was there i brought along my suitcase (standard size). I must admit - i brought ENTIRELY too much stuff. This time around i want to go with one of those small compact suitcases. I know the majority of people take backpacks with them, but what if you just don't like backpacks? Would anyone advise against taking a suitcase or have any advice on why a backpack would be better to take?
I would recommend going to a real outdoor store where you can properly fitted for a backpack. Not every pack fits everyone. You may not like backpacks because you have tried the wrong ones. Not sure where you are from but I would try EMS, REI, Campmor (if your in NJ). The following companies offer some good quality packs: Kelty, Osprey, North Face, EMS store brand, and Marmot. Those are just some suggestions. It make sense to use a pack so your hands are free while travelling and its easier to get around with one.
I would recommend going to a real outdoor store where you can properly fitted for a backpack. Not every pack fits everyone. You may not like backpacks because you have tried the wrong ones. Not sure where you are from but I would try EMS, REI, Campmor (if your in NJ). The following companies offer some good quality packs: Kelty, Osprey, North Face, EMS store brand, and Marmot. Those are just some suggestions. It make sense to use a pack so your hands are free while travelling and its easier to get around with one.
Thanks...you're probably right. It will be easier to get a backpack, this way i will be able to move around easier....especially if i'm at a place that doesn't have a lot of paved roads. I'm planning on moving around all of Australia so this may help me out in the long run. I went to the Campmor store yesterday and they were very helpful. Thinking of getting a Kelty coyote bag...the guy highly recommended it. And it was pretty affordable, about $90 bucks. Hope me and the bag make a good match!
I like the travel packs that are comfortable (mesh back), not too big (30-40L), and travel packs usually allow you to tuck away the straps if you need to check baggage. I don't worry about locks - if they really want my underwear, it's ok with me! I also refuse to pay over $150. - I've decided on North Face.
If you really don't like packs, you can go with a rolly two wheeled suitcase. They suck on uneven terrain, but are workable in every other kind of condition. Plenty of people do it that way.
I would say that you should get one, if you do go Rolly, with straps, so you can hoist it if you wish over cobblestones, or up hills. Plenty of bags come this way these days. So find one that is comfortable on your back for short hauls, even if you mostly roll it.
I have noticed quite a few people out here who have brought packs, but also brought a portable rolling addition so they didn't have to carry the packs all the time. It's a good idea for some. I like the pack on my back, but not all do.

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