Entering pre-written docs into blog eg.my poems

I write slowly, revise constantly until I'm happy with the result. Poems, for example, cannot be made up on the spot [ unless you are a genius ] so have to be written in a format which can be edited indefinitely, such as Word or Word processor. Is there a way of inserting them into my travellerspoint blog? I am not very adept at working with the Internet as I am an old codger who first touched a computer only 7 years ago.
Tried fiddling about a bit with the share tabs on the docs themselves but it was no good. Can anybody help please?

Select all the text in your Word document (if you use an English language version, then holding down the Ctrl button and pressing the A button does this; this is denoted for short as Ctrl-A), then copy it (Ctrl-C). Then you go to your blog management section here on travellerspoint (Control Panel -> My Blogs from the top of the page on this website), start a New Entry, click inside the big textarea and paste the text (Ctrl-V).

Alternatively, you can also choose to just start writing your blog entries on Travellerspoint, and saving them as a "draft". This means they aren't published yet (no one can see them), but that you can go back to them later to revise them. And then when you're happy, you can just click on "Publish" to make them show on your blog. (We also save your changes automatically to a draft every 2 minutes while you're editing, so you run less risk of losing any work if anything happens with your browser or you forget to press the save button.)

Entering pre-written docs into blog  eg.my poems

Entering pre-written docs into blog  eg.my poems

Entering pre-written docs into blog  eg.my poems

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