Traveling to Sth America first half 2011. Anyone else going?

Hi everyone.

Hey Angelique,

I'm also at the start of my plans to travel South America from Jan 2011 too! I have a 3 month sabbatical just agreed with my employer and also up for meeting travel buddies as the friend who usually travels with me isn't able to come so i'll be alone too.

I'm a 30 year old female from the UK, a few years older than you but definitely don't see myself past it just yet I love seeing the world and i've been to Brazil before - it was awesome! I'm also flexible about the countries i visit but would like to see Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia if possible, Brazil is tempting me back too! I'm really at the beginning of looking into where to go and timing of which countries but if you fancy chatting more about it let me know! I'm new to these forums but feel free to message me on here.

Hannah :-)

Hi everyone.

I'm planning to travel to South America beggining of 2011, maybe mid jan until mid may.
I havnt decided yet where I'll go but looking at Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico.
I'm a 24 year old female and travelling alone, so i was hoping to convers and maybe meet other travellers interested in the same destinations around the same time.

Feel free to respond if you are interested or have any advice



I just about can't count to the number of countries you are considering lol. First piece of advice would be to focus on say 1 country per month when talking about the likes of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. Can't say for the others as not been. Uruguay you can do in less time for sure.

Think quality not quantity and you'll have a blast.

Early Jan is perfect time to head to Patagonia if that interests you. Weather was the starting point when I planned an itinerary. I knew the places I wanted to see then linked them with sun. No point going to all these great places in the rain!


I'll be heading to S. Amer for the first half of '11 as well. Right now the plan is to head to Ecuador for the first 2 months or so, then get down to Patagonia before the weather is completely wintery and work my way slowly back up. Heading down solo at this point, but I figure between taking spanish classes and popping in at SA Explorers club house, I should be able to meet at least a few cool people. So if anyone is going to be in Quito in jan, a beer and chat could be easily done.

Hi All - I too am heading to South America & Central America alone in early 2011!!

I am starting off in Brazil for a month at the end of February for Carnival in Salvador then, Rio and travelling around Brazil.
Im then flying to Cuba for around 2 weeks then over to Mexico for a month then travelling around Central America and then over to Colombia and working my way through South America down to finally end my travels in Argentina.

Not sure how long i will be travelling around, though it will be a minimum of 7 months.

If you want to chat - Drop me aline...


Hey.....I am going to S.America in Jan 2011. I am starting in Peru on Jan 12th and I am doing a Gap Adventures tour cross land for 45 days which finishes in Rio, just intime for Carnival. Then im off to Buenos Aires, then off to Oz in March. The Tour cost approx £grand but you get all accom and travel and visit loads of awesome places. Let me know if you want anymore details or would like to meet on any section of my travels. I am 25, female and travelling alone also.

Hey hey...

I've arranged a sabbatical for next year too and am spending most of it in South and Central America. Flying into Rio for the Carnival in March and then will be spending the next 5-6months travelling around South America, possibly stopping and volunteering somewhere for a month, before heading on into Central America for the next 3months or so.

Haven't really made any detailed plans (bar the first week at the Carnival) as I find that they tend to get thrown by the wayside pretty quickly anyway.

I'm a 28yr old male from UK. Not travelling with anyone but hoping to meet up with people out there so if anyone fancies chatting or trying to arrange a meetup then let me know.


Hi All,

I too am heading to SA mid Jan 2011 for 4 months. Starting in BA where I plan on learning spanish for 4 weeks then off to Rio for Carnival. Then hope to cover Peru, Bolivia, Equador & Colombia. I've got 1st 2 months planned and then will be a bit more take it as it comes.

37yr female (still young at heart) from Aus doing most of the trip solo. Hoping to meet lots of people on my travels.


Hi guys,

I'm also going to SA for four months at the beginning of Jan 2011. I fly into Cuba on 2nd Jan, then fly to Costa Rica on 16th Jan. Thinking of heading up to Nicaragua then back down overland through Panama (fly over Darien Gap) then Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Patagonia then Buenos Aires, flying home in May.

I'm 26, female (although I turn 27 - argh - in Jan) from London and am leaving my job as a journalist to do some proper travelling, as it's something I missed out on after leaving uni. I'd love to meet up with people during my trip, nervous about all the silly things like walking into a hostel alone, not having anyone to chat to when out sightseeing etc.

Let me know if you'll be around the same place at any time!


hi everybody
i am a peruvian male i 'd like to help you with your plan years ago i was in Ecuador and
i have been to many places of my country - Peru , i live here in Lima , so if you need some information just drop me , i enjoy chating and advicing people.


Traveling to Sth America first half 2011. Anyone else going?

Traveling to Sth America first half 2011. Anyone else going?

Traveling to Sth America first half 2011. Anyone else going?

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