Mongolia or Bhutan? I'm looking to study abroad somewhere that is completely different from n experience that I could get anywhere else in the world. I prefer low population density and low levels of industrialization. But I also want somewhere thats culturally unique and interesting.
I think the reason no one has responded to your question is that not many TP members have been to Bhutan. Or Mongolia. restricts the number of tourists allowed in. You must enter on a packaged tour with an approved tour operator. There is no independent travel in Bhutan. That restriction alone might reduce your choice to just Mongolia.
Mongolia sounds exotic, but what are you going to study there? it's good maybe for ethnology...anyways I'm not really sure if there's much to do in Mongolia and they eat mainly mutton with noodles which I utterly hate...
Don't forget the harsh per diem cost of Bhutan! You should stop in for a week or two... but the mandatory $200/day price of being in the country will add up pretty quickly. It would still be SUCH an amazing country to see though...
The Bhutan program would be with a study abroad program thats affiliated with the Royal University of Bhutan so I'd be exempt from the $200 per day fee. As for what I'm studying, I'm an anthropology major focusing on globalization and cultural identity.
Does anyone know where I can find a forum where theres a larger number of people with insight into these two areas?
Neither sounds too appealing to me. What about Laos or Myanmar?

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