goldy500 has indicated that this thread is about North America
Heya i was planning on doing exactly the same! Im going on a whale watching tour into mexico but will be back in san francisco end of feb! Im planning on then going vegas, LA, san diego the along highway 10 maybe pop down into mexico, texas and along the coast towards florida, then washington, NYC and into Canada
let me know what you think
I sorta have a plan for the first month of so which is:
Fly straight into Phoenix Arizona where my mate is studying, go to Spring Break with him. Either buy a car after that or purchase one later on but then head upto LA where i got a mate i can stay with for a bit then head up to Portland and I got a mate there who i can stay with as well. After that its all up in the air but by the time I leave Portland it wil be about late April early May. And then its up to what i'm feeling like at the time but definatly head over to the east coast around Florida and NYC and also Canada as well. Mexico does sound like a place to go as well. I'm a registered Dive Master so if I need money I can always (hopefully) get a job there for a bit.
Well i will be back in San fran around start of march for a week then want to head to LA maybe san diego message me if you are around there at the time, i ahve a driving licence to so could share some of the driving

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