What is the travel time to Siem Reap on a boat vs. bus? Also, is Jan. a good time to be traveling by boat? Is the water sufficiently high?
I have done the boattrip from siem rip to battanbang.. they said it takes 4 hours.. but it took like 8....
It was one of the best things I have ever done...because it passes at so many floated villages but phnom penh is a quite longer trip, but I dont know if the boats are better... because mine was really unconfortable.!!!
probably you could go by bus until battanbong and then take the boat
I travelled on june , so in the rainy season.... but this year the rainy season was extremely late... so it was great weather
but I guess january is usually a good time (as I've heared)
here you see some photos I took on the boat http://www.flickr.com/photos/ale7373/sets/72157624502769701/
[ 28-Nov-2010, at 15:50 by Amimi ]
I know it doesn't really answer the question, but ditto Amimi on the boat from Siem Reap to Battanbong!! If you do any boat trip in Cambodia, plan on it taking longer than you think, bring snacks and put your sunscreen in the bag you keep with you!
If you have the time, consider the bus to Battanbong, a day or two there (hire a moterbike & driver to take you around the countryside for the day) and then the boat to Siem Reip.
Hey definitely bus. You can take an overnight bus or morning or afternoon, itll take about 4-6 hours. Jst make sure you take the express bus that goes on the highway, others make a lot of stops.
Yes, I also think travelling by bus is much more convenient.

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