I going to be 18 soon and this summer i'm wanting to travel Australia on my own. i have absolutly no idea how to go about it.
any tips or anything would be helpful... Thanks
Hi Rose,
I was in your position a few years back, when i was 19 i decided that i wanted to up sticks and go half way round the world on my own. I first went Oz for 3 weeks to test out how i felt, i was home for about 3 months and then i booked to go again but this time for a year to Oz by which time i had turned 20.
Was the best thing i have ever done and i live to the day i go back out there for another year. I logged onto this site which was a massive help, it's the only time i have ever been on a forum site and chatted to people over the internet and its the only one since. so that's step one out of the way.
I literally searched on google to find the government website where i applied for my WHV, booked with STA travel (as i knew these were a legit company) for my flight, booked my insurance online and then booked one night in a hostel in Sydney, found out about a shuttle bus that took me fom the airport to the hostel and then sorted the rest when i got there. Hey presto!!!
I suppose it is dauting but when you really want to do something you just get on with it. I still remember when i landed i just knew i had done the right thing.
Once you've decided you are defo going, start looking into companies ypu are going to use-flights/insurance etc. then book your WHV online, wait until you get that through and then make concrete bookings.
Good luck, if there's anything i can help out with i'd be glad to!
It all sounds so amazing, the only thing I'm worried about now is when I get there what do I do? Like how do I know I'll be able to find places to stay or Definatly get travel trombone place to another? Is it Definatly better to just book a night or to then just wing it when I get there? Or book ahead?
Also not sure about the money situation, I'm wanting to go for about 3 weeks so excluding flights how much do you think i'd need. I'm not one for hotels hostels are perfect and I'm on a budget!
Thankyou Rose
Hey!!I'm a 18 old spanish girl who is also thinking about going to Australia alone this summer! My intention is to study english for a month and work there in order to pay my stay. I would like to travel during July, August and September and i think i'll be moving to Melbourne for about two months and finish in September travelling all aorund Australia. Would be nice to meet with someone else while staying there!
And some tips and information would be nice as well!
Thank you!
Well if i was you i'd book 3 nights as then that will give you time when you are there to decide if you want to stay in that hostel or move on or even travel out of the area. Hostels i found always have beds but check that there isn't some carnival etc when you are there as the hostels will be fully booked. Email the hostels, i always found they were really friendly and helpful.
All you've got to think is that they are geared up for backpackers/travellers out there so there will always be someone to help. The hostel staff i always found very helpful.
I was like you and still would be a bit, i like to plan ahead but also keep my options open. There are loads of hostels about so i'm sure you won't have a problem with accomodation. I didn't plan my 3 weeks as you might meet people and go and do things with them or you might want to fly to another part of Oz.
I booked 1 night at Wakeup hostel in sydney, think i ended up staying a couple more nights, i met a couple of people on my first night and we went and done th blue mountains together then i went off and booked with Oz experience to do the east coast in the last2 weeks.
Money wise, i always like to have certain amount in my account anyway so that wasnt a prob for me. oz experience was quite expensive and it wasnt planned, so may want a bulk of money just incase. hostels i think, you can go on their websites and check for definate, you're looking at about £15-20 a night, they vary slightly and if you book a week then its a bit cheaper. this rate is for the main city hostels so depends where you are looking into staying as well.
If you budget roughly £150 a week for hostels to be on the sfe side, food is really cheap out there, and you would want a bulk of money for things you may do, personally i would take £1500-£2000, but i do like to make sure i have enough, and i over budget. I really cant remember how much i spent in 3 weeks.
You may want to look into hostel pricing, internal and any activities you may be are looking to do for a better estimate for you or to just get a rough cost of how much oz experience is or blue mountains, snorkelling etc, whatever it is that you think you may want to do. Things can really add up.
I know its a lot to look into but its quite exciting and you may come across other things. I'm sure you've been searching loads on the internet as it is lol. You've got me looking and reminiscing now!! I'll start planning my next trip out there, he! he!
I have only travelled to Thailand before now. I did it on my own a few months back and the second I got home I wanted to travel. It is an experience like no other.
I would say a good bit of research on places like this site are always good to make sure you play things safe, but then also look forward to a little bit of spontaneity as well.
I turned up in Thailand with no idea and knew nowhere I was going. If you go to the right places you will always meet people in the same boat as you and it makes for an amazing experience.
Good luck and take it easy!
Thankyou all so much this has been so helpful and imam 100% going to go!!!
Good on ya. Just go for it!!!!
It'll be the best thing you have ever done

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