Tina Bean has indicated that this thread is about Australia
"Your age will be determined as the age you are in Australia at the time your application is lodged (Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) or the Australian Eastern Daylight Savings time (AEDT)). Because of this time difference you are advised not to wait to lodge your application until you are about to turn 31, as the system will take the current date in Australia as your application date"
So basically aslong as ur 30 and not 31 when u apply for the WHV your good. I was 30 when I applied an arrived in Sydney about a month before I turned 31 just to be certain.
Now get out of ur misery an start gettin excited
You can be aged 30 when applying for the visa. You have 12 months from grant of visa to enter Australia, and at time of entry you can be 31. From the date you enter Australia on a WHV you can be there for up to 12 months on that visa.
[ 31-Dec-2010, at 20:39 by mojorob ]
I had this drama myself earlier in the year! Got my visa granted just before turning 31. Will only be a month away from turning 32 when I actually get there
This is fabulous news, massive thanks to you all for putting my mind at rest. i certainly will get excited...with this cold miderable weather my body is screaming at me to get some sun and go and live in the warm for a bit. maybe a stop off in thailand for some island hopping on the way is just what's called for!
Hi Tracy2011
I am in the same situation as you!! Arriving a couple of months before my 32nd birthday. When are you going? What are your plans?
I havent made any yet, other htan I have to be there by April 30th! Planning on going March time. Not sure where to fly yet! HOw long are you going for? How much money are you taking?
Also are Visa are definatley valid arent they? I apllied a few weeks before i turned 31 and it says I have a year to use it so will be going before I turn 32....
Well I really hope i've got mine! I turned 31 on 2nd January....I basically woke up on New Year morning thinking of Oz having never had a desire to ever go there! I must have been dreaming about it....anyway long story short I applied online on NYD for the visa and wasn't sure of the response as it would have been a bank holiday down under but I got an email confirming my visa was granted with the grant application numbers etc and they took the £160 from my credit card and that I have until 1 Jan 2012 to use it. I think i'll phone anyway at some stage to get peace of mind confirmation. As I have no savings whatsoever i'm planning to go perhaps Oct-Nov. It'll be my first time taking a trip like this so quite scared but since joining this website an hour ago I really am starting to feel good about the whole thing as there are so many peeps out there in the same boat.
Anyway i'm just doing some lazy research .....
If anyone is heading to Oz (and NZ for a hol, also wanting to take in Asia too-perhaps on the way back?) around that time it would be great to start some communication.
Irish Caz living in Edinburgh
Its Sean, Hope your well.
Your going to Oz too? Maybe see you around...

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