I want to start a travel club to provide cheap travel around Australia.
My plan would be to rent mini buses From HIRE DRIVE companies and do day trips and short tours for backpackers and independant travellers everywhere in season.
It needs 20 people EVERY TIME and share all the costs of fuel, PROFESSIONAL PAID DRIVERS, meals and accommodation andthe costs would work out to be around HALF or less of the commercial tours doing the same things.

Why would someone do this as opposed to an express bus? And are you fully accredited with the proper transport authorities so as to cover your customers in the worst case scenario.

Long live the BIG COMMERCIAL TOUR OPERATORS. Prices will continue to stay high in this country as long as that sort of attitude remains.

If you are trying to FORCE every person who may want to HIRE a HIRE DRIVE BUS to go through the accreditation nonsense, beyond the current requirements GOOD LUCK that will destroy the hire drive sector, the big boys in that sector wont like that idea very much.

Give me a little more credit than that. If this thing was to work accredited drivers would be needed, all the normal insurances and other legal requirements would need to be met.

Looks like the travelling public better get used to rip offs because I cannot see the system being changed whilst the protectionist attitude stays in play.

Without even knowing your name, how do you expect anyone to buy into your concept?!

Well Sam at this stage it is purely to see what interest if any there is in this idea.

I have operated topurs across Australia for 41 years have owned my own buses but dont anymore. Tried hard to compete with everyone else trying to sell the same tours and just found that to be an exercise in futility and stupidity.
I am 57. Therfe are something like 150 bus tour businesses FOR SALE in Australia at present and they are all starting to realise the industry is not travelling too well and they want to get out. It will indeed be left to the big guys and that will keep prices high. AIts happening everywhere not just here probably in Norway too.

I want to give a little back and work with the good operators battling away. We cannot keep wasting fuel carrying a handful of people. This is a simple idea that others will copy but it can only work if people support it otherwise keep paying top prices like they do now.

You could become a Norway Club and co ordinate groups to come to Australia and vice versa organise tours in Norway for Australians and other internationals.

The possibilities are endless it just needs co ordination and HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, PEOPLE You have at least started a dialogue lets see where it goes.

Express bus travel isn't expensive though. So I don't see any major advantages in what you're trying to achieve, yet. They charge rock-bottom prices now and barely get by due to compliance costs and operating costs. The market is tough just now for everybody, so maybe your idea has legs. But on the face of it you're just another operator trying to build a business and will have to compete with some big boys and small boys whether you like it or not.

Express bus travel is just that Express. I want to operate a club providing cheap TOURS.
The club will hire vehicles from fully accredited good operators so I am not looking to hire from BACKYARD HARRYS RENT A BOMB and I hope there isnt a business of that name but you should be able to see where I am coming from.

People will still travel with the professional tour companies and be quite happy to pay the high prices that they pay now. That wont change.

For the vast majority of travellers who do not know HOW the travel industry works these are the people I hope to enlighten. THIS IS NOT A BUSINESS IT IS AN IDEA TO FORM A TRAVEL CLUB and SAVE THOSE MEMBERS money by running FULL buses each time. For those groups of 50 and 60 people they will continue to CHARTER FROM their preferred local operators.. and wont be interested in this club idea. TAhe club is for the rest of the independant travellers who will save money on these club tours rather than similar tours
by commercial operators.




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