Recently, when writing a new blog, I will bring up an older blog using the edit function so I am able to copy/paste certain information easily. (Ie: names and username links, etc.) I save the new blog entry as a draft because I'm not finished quite yet. When I check the "manage" page, the (previously) published blogs will be there - listed as published, but a second version of them will also be listed in draft form. I ultimately delete the draft form.
That'll be my fault. In the distant long ago, I wrote the autosave function to start automatically saving drafts every 2 minutes once the main textarea has received focus. That should of course be once the input in the main textarea has been changed.
Sam/Peter: easy fix: my_blogs.js, line 182, change bind("focus" to bind("change"
[ 18-Dec-2010, at 15:45 by Sander ]
Thanks for the explanation, Sander! Just thought I was doing something wrong and not figuring out what it was. Have seen the same thing with other TU blog entries by other authors and just deleted them. But, I have received questions about the "secondary drafts" by those other authors so thought I would follow-up..
Thanks, Sander! I have just uploaded fix.
Thank you, Dmitry and Sander!!! You guys rock!

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