"Living rough?"
That can be extremely dangerous in some places, against the law in others, and very, very rough in still others.
Parts of Asia like India and Thailand you can live very, very cheaply and you can stay a long time for not much money.
Places like America and Australia can be expensive and money goes quickly.
Unless you have a fortune saved up, maybe you are trying to do too much at once? I saw the world over decades, whenever I got time off of work as my job and shift system allowed me long breaks and many breaks.
Do take note of the weather when travelling as weeks of rain, typhoons, hurricanes, very cold weather, etc tend to ruin a holiday.
You need to plan something out, where and when you are going and then ask some detailed questions here and other travel forums.
I did some travelling in America with a friend many years ago and though my friend had more money than I did, I found myself paying the bigger share of bills.
By "living rough" I didn't mean living on the streets. That's ignorance on my part perhaps.
I don't think I'm really trying to do too much at once. If you add up all the time you spent on holiday taken off work, you might find that it's close to a year or two which is the time period I'm quite happy to spend travelling in one go. You say you got long breaks etc but I don't work shifts or have enough holiday to take many breaks with my work. I don't enjoy my job and it's a good motivation to leave and take up my ambition to travel.
I would quite like to meet someone with similar traveling ambitions and even if they can't join me for the whole trip, it would be good to see their opinion and get a travel plan written up together. If everyone had planned everything of their trip, then surely someone would end up compromising some of their plans? If I've not made any substantial plans, then it's not an issue.
In some expensive places, hostels can be a cheaper alternative to hotels etc. Where in particular were you looking to go to? (I'm too young to go but I'm happy to make suggestions for places to go etc from some of my own travels, most of which are on my profile). Anyway, you could also take part in a volunteering project or get a seasonal job, these might reduce the cost and give you a base to explore the area from. What ever you do, definitely research the area, climate and other factors before you go anywhere (I know it sounds obvious and patronising but my cousin went to beijing as a spur of the moment thing with some freinds and only when she landed did she discover there was a pandemic of some kind of flu, it totally ruined her trip and she was ill for weeks).

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