Entering USA after previously being arrested in Nevada

My partner was arrested in April In Vegas for battery, he returned to the uk and hired a solicitor in Vegas to represent him in court who emailed him to say that the case was closed and he was free to come and go into the US. The $3000 bail money was returned some six months later.

Have you applied for the visa that you need to get into the States? I imagine that he wouldn't get one if they have some problem with him. If they returned his bail money, then I'm guessing the case was indeed closed and I can't see any reason why they would arrest him. Then again, better safe than sorry; maybe call the US embassy?

I agree with Sam, talk to the US Embassy and quickly. Your partner will not be arrested for anything as the case was closed and bail returned. But, because the offense happened in the US and less than a year ago, he could be turned away upon arrival. Immigration/Homeland Security could disallow entrance into the US and put him back on a plane to the UK on his own dime.

Your partner should also make sure he has ALL of the documentation about the arrest, case closure and bail return in case the US Embassy wants to interview him.

He can lie on the forms about the whole thing. Many do and get through (as members will attest to), but several have not. Members will also say that the UK & US do not share criminal information. That, again, is not true. They don't share everything about everyone but they do share.

With only 4-5 days left, have your partner call the Embassy ASAP. If he's not willing to take that step - then he'd better be prepared to use that return flight home sooner than later. Not saying that would happen but better safe than sorry after an 8 hour flight.

He applied for a visa and was declined at the interview at the US Embassy on the grounds that they believed he wanted to go and work in the US !!!! He absolutely does not want to stay in the US illegally all he wants is to go on holiday. They said his ties to the UK were not strong enough!! He was born and lived in England all his life and has no other nationality.

I sent you a PM back in Feb. that still says 'unread'. Check your messages. Mike

Entering USA after previously being arrested in Nevada

Entering USA after previously being arrested in Nevada

Entering USA after previously being arrested in Nevada

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