I want to travel but my friends dont!

I am a 21 year old female, university student from England and I am desperate to see the world this summer.

Hey Rosie
You are correct that it's not the best time of year to go to places like Thailand, Cambodia, etc. Although they are great places for novice travellers to start off, I'd recommend leaving them until when you can go and appreciate the great weather they can have there.
What kind of budget are we talking here? As that can possible help limit your places down to where you are able to go. Peru and South America aren't the safest areas to go but many parts I wouldn't describe as dangerous - many many travellers (especially through Peru because of Machu Picchu) go through without much or any trouble at all. You just got to have your wits about you, like many other places.

Thanks for your reply!

I am looking to spend about £2000 spending money and £500 flights!

I wouldn't count myself as naive but I am only 21 and have never been abroad on my own!

Rosie, I am going travelling around the world on my own at the end of May, scary prospect ay!

I would be interested in seeing what your plans are for South America as that will be the last part of my trip. Good luck and enjoy your travels!

Well that's a good budget - you can go many places, especially if it's for about a month. I think if South America really interests you then you should go for it. I've never been (but it's next on my list after this trip) but it's cheap and has soooo much to see. If you wanna go then you should; don't let a little bit of fear put you off from having an amazing time! If it was too dangerous then no one would go, right?
I found, for my first solo trip, the thing that helped my nerves were to over prepare myself. So get down an itinerary of places I wanted to see, know the wonders and the dangers (like scams or any problems) of each place & any generally helpful information. I certainly didn't stick to it, whilst I was out there, but it helped ease my mind. Dunno, but could work for you too.

I am trying to not let the fear of going alone stop me but it is soo difficult. Hopefully I can get some advice on these places and where to stay etc where I can definitely meet other people.

Thank you for your replies.

Hope you have fun seeing the world!! I am jealous!

Hi Rosie! May I ask what cities in Asia do you plan to go to? Maybe I can give you some advice! I envy you with such young age, you can travel around Asia alone. Btw I'm 22 and hopefully before I turn 25 I can be able to travel alone

I was travelling alone at september 2014 and it one of was the greatest excpirience in my life! I visited Holland, Spain (Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia) and Paris. I've met different and nice people, we're still in touch with some of them. I've used couchsurfing and stayed in hostels. It was really cool

Don't be afraid of anything just enjoy the world

Hi Rosie, greetings from Peru. I traveled a lot of by work and i have experience in traveling alone.
I read that you be interested to travel to Peru, if it's true, I can help you recommending the best places in Peru, cheapest and safe.

If you are interested, you can write me to my email.

I want to travel but my friends dont!

I want to travel but my friends dont!

I want to travel but my friends dont!

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