Just wondering what people think about this. What are the most overrated destinations in Europe you have visited. Mine - Vienna and Cologne
All of Europe.
Must admit, Vienna did disappoint me as well. But then, I never really saw it highly rated by anyone so I'm not sure if I'd call it overrated. It does have its worthwhile attractions. I found the art and architecture very good in Vienna. But if you're not interested in such things, then I can see how you could be very easily bored.
However lowly you rate Grimsby (North East Lincolnshire, England), it's overrated! I was born and lived close by there for around forty years - purgatory! It's a possible destination but not for any normal traveller. (Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) has a new movie out in July - Grimsby - judge for yourself.)
Haha, well I'll be sure to stay well clear of Grimsby
haha grimsby... never heard of it.. can't be that overrated :P
Haha, Grimsby, never heard of it. I have family who immigrated and live in Louth now, which looks to be very close to Grimsby... About the same Boris? Won't expect much if I'm gonna visit them...
I thought some of the capitals of South Eastern Europe were clearly overrated: Bucharest, Podgorica, Belgrade... and Sofia and Zagreb weren't special either. Felt pretty bad for all those interrailing kids who just travelled from capital to capital, because these were probably the ugliest places of these countries.
Sarajevo is the best exception by the way. Such a great place in every way.
Don't say that, I'm about to go to Zagreb! :-)
I enjoyed Belgrade, Sofia, and Bucharest, but I know what you mean - no world class sights. But the OP asked about overrated, and for all of these my expectations were modest so they were easily met and I had a good time.
For me it is anywhere with a World Heritage Site tag - they're so often disappointing dumps. Also anywhere which calls itself "the gateway to. .." - this usually means there is little to see in the place itself.
Definitely agree with Vienna, and I would probably say Athens or Milan as well. The history in Athens was good, but aside from that, RUN. Milan has that really lovely cathedral, but otherwise it was so overdone with the fashion side it really put me off. I suppose if that's what you're into though, it could be good. Galway, and Prague for sure. I heard so many great things about these places then when I got there, they just seemed pretty average. Bruges would probably be up there for me as well.
Terry - seems a bit harsh! There are some lovely places here that aren't talked about at all!!
I'll second Vienna and Milan, especially the latter one. Not a fan of Italy in general actually.
Quite a few of the other cities in the southeastern part of Europe are relatively boring too in my opinion, like Ljubljana and Skopje.
I guess many people from overseas visit mostly cities and towns and less so the natural aspects of Europe. And although Europe has some great old history, culture etc, the nature is actually UNDERrated.
Or at least not as much visited as should be. Examples: Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Scotland, Faroer Islands.

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