If you can get 4 people together it gives you a sleeper compartment to yourselves, reducing your risk of theft.
A little time beforehand spent studying the Cyrillic alphabet makes Russia a lot easier, suddenly a lot of the gobbledygook becomes intelligible.
Most people go through without any stops to see the cities along the route, which seems such a shame to me.
Hi Andyf,
Thanks so much for the tips!!
I was hoping if I found someone to maybe go 3rd class on the train in Russia, I feel like that might make it more safe because it is like an open dormitory? Otherwise yes a 4 berth compartment... And definitely want to stop at least once on the route in Mongolia, and maybe in Siberia as well that would be awesome
And I will get started on the Russian alphabet!
March is pretty early in the season for doing this - expect plenty of atmospheric snowy views. :-)
When in Moscow check out the milk bars for cheap eating local style - one chain is called Grabli but there are lots. Otherwise it can be an expensive city. At least the exchange rate is now hugely in your favour!
They try to keep red square clear of snow but expect icy pavements everywhere so take boots. For buying tickets eg tours of the Kremlin or metro tickets, the staff only speak Russian and are not too helpful, so arm yourself with some phrases - or a Russian speaker!
Oh and for visas I've used Real Russia who have made things very easy - recommended.
Have a great trip! :-)
[ 07-Feb-2015, at 05:28 by Andyf ]
Hi Andy,
Thanks so much for the Moscow tips, I've noted them down! will definitely taking be boots then What are milk bars?
I see that you've also backpacked in the Balkans - I was thinking of stopping off in Vilnius and Riga on the way to Moscow for a day or so in each. Would you recommend this? Do you have any insider tips? Thanks so much!! :D
Milk bars are budget restaurants where you go down the serving line picking what you want and pay at the till. A cheap way to try lots of local foods.
Riga and Vilnius are both worth a visit, also Tallinn which has more medieval architecture. No major things to suggest other than a wander round. Riga has a ufo style tv tower that you can go up, and the central market was originally built as zeppelin hangars. In Vilnius I loved the kgb museum, if loved is the right word for quite a dark experience.
Maybe you already know - Russia have made the visa process more complicated recently. You now need to attend in person at either London or Edinburgh as they take your fingerprints.

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