I'm planning to visit NYC in end Dec to mid Jan, say around 2-3 weeks. Any suggestions on places to visit not only in NYC but also in NY state and the East Coast? Is Boston, DC or FLorida suggested for this time of the year? WOuld appreciate any help I can get with my itinerary.
All the stuff to do in NYC could take up all your time but if you want a diversion ,Boston would be a nice visit start at the Quincey Market,
Washington is an hour and a half train ride and deposits you next to the capital building and everything the Smithsonian has to offer alongside the mall.
Florida is a bit far but good chance of sunny and usually warm sandy beaches await,however they do have their moments of cold at that time of year which i'm hoping wont be the case this year as i'm spending Christmas with family in the Tampa/St Pete area.
[ 17-Oct-2009, at 03:38 by jambo101 ]
Up state NY is lovely in winter. A trip to Niagara and across to the Canadian Falls (much prettier and cleaner) if it's snowing, is wonderful. Seeing the Falls partly frozen is a photographer's dream.
The Appalachian Mountains are close by too. In winter time they are incredibly pretty.
A trip to Florida takes about 2 hours or so and if the cold weather is getting to you, then get a cheap flight to Miami and lay on one of the numerous beaches for awhile. I did Bangor to Orlando a few years back in December. What a contrast in just 3 hours or so. Around 10 feet of snow on the runway in Bangor, scorching heat in Miami.
I think you will need those 2-3 weeks to see most of New York, there's no way you'd be able to do that in a few days. The city has loads of museums, festivals, music venues, restaurants, historical landmarks, musicals...you name it, New York City has it. See the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Whitney Museum, the MoMA, have tea at the Palace ... I could go on forever. If you want to hit more of the tourist spots check out tour websites for their itineraries, see where they take people. It's what I do whenever I do research for my next travel assignment. Try sites like tours4fun.com, travel.yahoo.com, or concierge.com.
Do keep in mind that it snows, a lot, in Dec. and Jan., so you may want to make that trip to Florida. And, if you make it to Boston, make your way over to Zaftigs in Coolidge Corner, the place makes great comfort food.
Hope this helps.
Great suggestions from all of you, very much appreciated. I certainly am not much a fan of tours and prefer doing things in my own time. New York sounds like such a fantastic place with wonderful parks n museums that i may just stay put in NY itself this trip, and maybe go a bit out to see the mountains. Boston and DC sounds awesome, and if i do manage to stretch my trip a bit, I willc ertainly not miss it for the world! Thanks for all the help :

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