Melka has indicated that this thread is about USA
Hi - do you have any idea of your agenda at all in the states? do you plan to camp or inexpensive hotels/ hostels?
I live on the East Coast near Washington, DC. there are many museums in DC that are free and interesting. If you plan far enough in advance, you can probably find groups to particpate in events with. There is a local Renaissance festival in the area you may enjoy that starts in September that is fun and interesting. People dress in character costumes and there are fun shows all day. If you contact them early enough they should offer discount tickets or maybe special tours?
I also live near Gettysburg, PA - the location of several important battles in the Civil War in 1860's. This is a touristy town; even though you can find things to do here free / inexpensive. google on Gettysburg PA ghost tours. There are several companies there; I have never participated in any so unfortunately I can't make recommendations there. Again if you contact them in advance maybe they would give you discount tickets?
Do you like hiking / biking / kayaking? Lots of places around here for those kinds of opportunities.
I traveled cross country in the USA back in 2002; so again, if I know more your agenda I may be able to give ideas towards your fun / low-budget trip.
Hi thanks for the tips
we dont really have much of an idea on what to do with our 2 months yet, we were originally thinking of hiring/buying a car and going from coast to coast but ive read a lot of posts on this site recommending not to do it, they say theres not much to see just driving across like that. What do you think? Any must see destinations or states?
Charleston and Savannah have extensive ghost tours of their old parts of town.
Charleston and Savannah have extensive ghost tours of their old parts of town.
Thanks, i'll have to look into it!
Start here
If your itinerary takes you down the East coast of the USA, I know that Wilmington NC is a cheap town and has a fun ghost/history pub crawl (at least I know they did a couple years back).
In San Francisco (expensive alert!) there are at least two ghost tours I know of...see and - the first one of those pretty popular and got good reviews from folks I know who did it. Also in SF there is a vampire tour.
Thanks everyone, ive checked out all the suggested tours, and they look like a bit of fun!
Also looking for unusual locations to visit if anyone has any suggestions
There are some incredible ghost towns in North Dakota and across North into Manitoba (Canada).
Perhaps not the sort of ghosts you are exactly looking for, but I was there (in both locations) with some friends a couple of years ago and off the beaten track there are some old towns, without a tourist for miles, that have relics of the old saloon, sherrifs office, blacksmith and so spooky. One town we went to, I think it was called something like River Fork, still had the hinges on the wall where the old saloon swing doors used to be. It really was so deserted like nobody had lived there for 100's of years, but I believe it was still inhabited as recent as 1910.
In Canada, we found old wooden housesteads that had basements filled with remains of furniture and the occasional picture frame on the wall. The land was given to the early pioneers from Eastern Europe around 120 years ago. They all built similar structures with basements to cope with the winters they were used to in Poland, Ukraine etc. that get down to around -45c. Brrr.
Quite incredible the way the dialect changes at the border. The ND accent is a bit like Chicago (excuse me Chicago people if you beg to differ - sorry) and the Manitoba twang is so unique to North America. Nothing else like it anywhere.
I would recommend a few days up in that territory of you're into ghost towns, as opposed to vampires etc. Vampires are reserved for Romania. Then again, I've been there and didn't find any.
Thats exactly the kind of thing we are interested in, things like ghost towns and places that no one usually pays that much attention to! Do any of these towns have names? or some directions on roughly where in North Dakota (or anywhere else) we'd be able to find them? Thanks

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