Hi there,
Not sure how easy or hard it will be to get a job at the upcoming olympics in Vancouver but i'd suggest getting the paperwork ball a rolling as soon as possible for the job and the work visa as the burocratic proceedures dont happen overnight.url=http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=jobs+olympics+vancouver&meta=&aq=0&oq=jobs+oly]
[ 14-Oct-2009, at 11:53 by jambo101 ]
Heads up Just heard on the news this morning that due to extremely limited parking anyone thinking of driving to Olympic events in the Whistler area are going to need an Access pass to be allowed into the town,failure to have that pass will result in you being asked to turn around,so plan on using shuttle buses or public transit to get there.
i lived in whistler last year, and i think to have a chance of finding any or at least even slightly affordable accomodation you should go out at the beginning of the season, at least the beginning of december, i arrived in november and it was ok, but i know people who arrived jan/feb last year and it was really difficult to find somewhere to live, the olympics will only make it harder and landlords are increasing rent prices!
OP-you're already too late-the ship has left and you're standing on the Pier.
Sam is right...You don't have a hope in hell of finding a job for the Olympics. Trying in January...well, that is just ridiculous. I don't mean to be dismissive, but....shit.
Now, I assume, when you say you are going to Canada, you actually mean Vancouver. Canada is a pretty big country, so you can only mean the Van area. If you are looking for work in, say, Calgary, you stand a fair chance.
[ 17-Oct-2009, at 19:49 by Piecar ]
Finding workers seems to a problem for VANCOC. Finding what you want may be tough though. Have a read:
"Overall, the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee said it requires 55,000 workers and volunteers to pull off the event. Despite promoting work at the Games as a "once in a lifetime opportunity," finding staff has not been all that easy.
Thousands of positions for organizers and sponsors, ranging from cooks to cleaners to drivers, remain vacant. In July, VANOC asked the corporate and public sector to loan 1,500 employees to voluntarily work to help fill the vacancies.
The Olympic hiring spree is migrating to Alberta, where officials are hoping to recruit workers for the Vancouver Games to fill private security positions ranging from screeners to supervisors"
Good luck.
I think it'll be too late to find a job "for" the olympics but it you're just looking for a general job, it shouldn't be as bad.
Yes I would look at the volunteer office because you are more then likely able to find something volunteer. Who knows, it could lead to a bigger position.

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