A few of us are taking 29 days off to see Europe in September 2010. We are going to lose a few days on traveling, so does anyone have recommendaitons for inexpensive places to see and stay where we can get a good sampling of what Europe has to offer? Our budget needs to stay as low as possible, at most $5000.00 USD (not including airfare). We were thinking Rome, Paris, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, London, and Amsterdam. Our plans are flexible and we are trying to get ideas from experienced travelers on what is really worth seeing.
Our budget needs to stay as low as possible, at most $5000.00 USD (not including airfare)
Is that 5000 USD per person??? Or for all of you?
Currently 5000 USD are 3,671.61 EUR, when travelling for 29 days that gives you a budget of 126.60 EUR per day.
For one person that budget would be quite comfortable, for 2 people that borders on very tight.
You should have between 60 and 100 EUR per day and person when travelling in Europe (not including airfare). most people travel with a budget of around 75 EUR per day. Taking changes in the exchange rate into account you thus need to have between 80 and 150 USD per day and person.
We were thinking Rome, Paris, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, London, and Amsterdam.
All in 29 days? That is quite ambitious.
My recommendation:
London 5 days
Paris 5 days
Rome, Florence, Venice 10-14 days
Amsterdam 4 days
Scotland 10-14 days
Germany - all of Germany at least 21 days, Highlights of Germany in Bavaria and along the Rhine: 7-14 days depending upon what you want to see.
Ireland 7-14 days, again depending on what you want to see
As you can see you need to choose - 29 days are not going to cut it.
Cheap ways to travel?
You have the choice between bus, train, plane and car. What to take depends upon a lot of factors, I hesitate to make any recommendation at this point. I don't know enough about you and your travel plans.
Where should we stay?
Hostels, camping sites, holiday appartments, budget hotels. Take your pick.
Our priorities are in order as follows: cultural experiences (examples: festivals, concerts, plays, etc), history,
If you are headed for Octoberfest in Munich (yes, it is in September) book accomodation ASAP.
Local foods and products that we must try?
Useless to discuss this unless we know the exact cities you intend to stay in. In the USA local specialities begin to change once you have driven for one day with a car. In most of Europe local specialities change after 20 miles - one day's travel during the time people still walked everywhere.
It is pointless to discuss the specialities of say Frankfurt am Main or Nuremberg here when you will go to Munich.
[ 27-Feb-2010, at 08:03 ]
Europe is expensive and it is difficult to say as how much you really need per day per person. Could be that Euros 80-100 good enough per person per day (excludes airlines costs).Some do it for less too but it all depends on how much comfort you are really looking for.
Suggest you to stay in small towns located near big cities as this will reduce your accommodation expenses. Since transportation is quite good in most part of Europe, you can reach the city centre in max 30mnts.
To travel cheap, it depends on how long you will stay in each place. If you intend to stay in one place for more than 4-5days, then better to buy some kind of a tourist pass that is valid both by metro and by bus. This would be economical for you. Some countries have 3/5/7/10days tourist passes.
If you are intending to take a train, then better to book in advance so that you get a cheaper ticket.
Check out the cultural festivals, local food, etc..from the websites of those places and from members too.
Keep your plan a bit flexible.

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