Does anyone know what is the best thing to do with regards to money for a year long RTW trip.... Thailand, Aus, Fiji, NZ and USA
Take bank cards, creditcards and cash or maybe get a cash passport from a travelex place. The absolute last thing you should do is get travellers cheques. They cost the most to exchange and can often be hard to change.
Yeah travellers checks had their time and now as said before, are a pain in the butt. I would bring some cash for emergency hidden well. Then I would take 2 bank cards. One that is your everyday card and then another one hidden jsut in case. There are ATM's everywhere and you get the best exchange rate too. Just check with your bank first to see how much they will charge you. You have to be careful depending on how much they charge so you don't end up paying a lot in fees. For example, if your staying in one place for a long time you may benefit from withdrawing your daily limit. Then hide/ lock up the money you dont need. This way you can have cash and not pay the fees. It has worked out well for me. If you are going somwhere remote for a few days/ weeks then take some larger currency that is easily exchangeable.
Agreed travellers cheques are a no go these days. Katie whichever bank you are with
will have alliance partners worldwide where you can withdraw money without being docked
for every single transaction. I found this out the hard way having made 20 withdrawals in
the U.S with non alliance banks and being slugged $5 per transaction. 100 dollars in fees right
Its wont always work out but majority of the time you can find a partner bank somewhere.
Agreed--no go on travelers checks. Katie, we share the same fear of losing the credit/bank cards. Unfortunately, it is the best option. For warm weather destinations, get shorts with inside pockets!

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