My experience is in Chile. There are a number of schools in Santiago. Go to the Tobabalaba Metro station, get out and walk south past the McDonald. There are five there abouts. There are also two neat Bilbao Metro Station, three blocks east of that on Tobalaba.
Some will take TESOL some won't...But after you hit a couple, dive on some of the teachers that are coming to and from the place and they will give you the lowdown.
I was making 1200 a month where I was. Enough to live decently.
Santiago sucks balls as a city though.
Good luck.
Some will take TESOL some won't...But after you hit a couple, dive on some of the teachers that are coming to and from the place and they will give you the lowdown.
Is it as simple as walking-in, get lucky by beating a dozen blondes armed with Celta or Tesol certificates. I mean there are places where travellers just walk-in and they get hired. What about small towns? My German friend assumes that South America would have a surplus of American teachers, so non native speakers, especially the ones that would pass as locals would need a four leaf clover to get employed.
It's true... If you are not a native speaker, but learned somewhere, you're gonna lose to the native speaker. If I somehow intimated otherwise, I'm sorry. EdCheetham sounded British to me.
Yes, you have virtually no chance of teaching English unless you are a native to the language...The one place that may consider you MORE enticing is Berltiz. If you speak German, and can follow their method in English, they can sell you a little more.
You guessed right Piecar I am English
Thanks for all the info, I've been browsing Dave's ESL Cafe which is a fantastic source of info for TEFL jobs, advice etc. ( http://www.eslcafe.com/ - for anyone that dosen't already know the website)
Anyway 83 days and counting and I'm back out of this shitty country, so putting in the hours at work (where I am right now obviously working extremely hard!!! )
Hasta luego

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