Anyone know of any work going or best places to look.

hello again, me and my g/f are coming to Oz 15 Oct this year and are going to be staying around Perth, I think the Coogee area. Im just seeing if anyone there now or anyone who has been etc knows of any work going in the building trade area. Im a gas man here in Uk so any related work would be good. My g/f is in insurance and will be looking for similar work out there initially. If anyone has any contacts or websites or anything really it would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers for now

Hi Ricardo,
Both on migrant visas I hope.
I've been working IT in the general insurance industry for 21+ years now in Perth so hope I can help in that department.
Does your g/f specialise in any particular area (e.g. underwriting, claims, reinsurance, finance)?
Closest place for any insurance work would have to be Fremantle (not very far from Coogee) but I would expect the offices of the main companies would be in the Perth CBD.
If you could give me some idea I'll talk to HR in my office and see what assistance they can give about WFI or companies/brokers down Freo way.
I work for Wesfarmers who also own Kleenheat Gas so they might be of interest for you.
October would be a good time to get here. Winter over and warming up for a hot summer and Xmas day round the pool.


Great help and advice wotthefiqh. I'll have a chat with the missus later and mail you if thats ok. Cheers

Great help and advice wotthefiqh. I'll have a chat with the missus later and mail you if thats ok. Cheers

No worries mate.
Reply in the thread as I can't send private messages.

Hey again wotthefiqh, sorry for late reply been crazy this week! First thing is we will be on our 2nd WHV to start with. After having a few talks with agencies etc they said we could use this visa to have a good look at the place were going to be staying then hopefully either get a sponsored visa probably in my trade or apply for permanent visas.
My g/f has been in insurance for almost 10 years and specialises in claims. She is a team leader/ manager over here at the mo.
I did put we will be staying in the Coogee area initially which is still an option but we are looking at other areas, the work we find will pretty much decide where we stay although would love to be quite near a beach We said Coogee as this is where we stayed last time and loved it there especially being so close to Freo etc.
As for me like I said I am a gas engineer here in the UK but do all sorts of plumbing etc to so any work in this field would be great. Im also a keen footballer or soccer player should I say, so do you know of any good soccer teams etc that I might get a run out with. ( Bit random that last question but you never know)
Any way thanks so much for your help so far. Really do appreciate it. Just can't wait to get started over there, this saving lark over here can drive you mad but for a summer time in Perth will be worth it.
Cheers again

Hi Ric,
Yesterday arvo I sent this to a senior Wesfarmers Recruitment Officer in Melbourne -

I got an email from a friend back in England telling me that he and his girlfriend were coming to Perth in October on a 1 year working holiday visa.
His girlfriend has been in insurance for 10 years back in the UK working as a Claims team leader, and she was thinking of getting an Insurance job here in Perth when they arrive.

My general question is –
Would an Australian insurance company employ someone as a claims officer (or any other position) when they are only in Oz for 1 year, even if they have experience?

His reply this morning was -

Hi Anthony,

That is a very difficult question to answer as there as so many factors at play.

The shorts answer is yes, as there are plenty of short term opportunities (maternity leave cover etc), and experienced claims staff are always helpful.
The longer answer would depend on the conditions of her visa (sometimes they can only work for one employer for 3 or 6 months), she will struggle against comparative candidates who are not bound by visa restrictions and ultimately it depends on what the employment market is like when she starts applying. (A couple of years ago it got so bad companies were flying employees in from overseas to complete the filing as there simply weren’t enough people available to hire locally.)
Our economy is recovering at the moment and it is getting harder and harder to find good candidates. Ultimately I would say it is always worth applying as you just never know when your CV will catch someone’s eye.


I'm off to Bali/Gilis for 10 days in late August but will now use my contacts and hopefully get you some companies or agencies to contact on arrival (or even email CV from Blighty).
Might be able to get some info on gas fitting as well as my son-in-law works in the construction industry and knows so many people.

You can buy me a coupla beer at Little Creatures in Freo when you get here

Take care and enjoy


Just remembered.
You won't be coming with furniture so maybe a shared house/apartment might be the go if you want to stay somewhere closer to the CBD than Coogee.
I would look at Doubleview (the burb back for Scarborough Beach), Jolimont which is on the train line between Perth and Freo and Cottesloe beach easy to get to, maybe Leederville, Maylands (bit north of the CBD) and there are heaps of units/apartments in Victoria Park just over the river from Perth city.
See what I can find for you.

As I can receive private messages but not send any, you could message me with an email address so this thread can rest in peace.

[ 22-Jul-2010, at 06:06 by wotthefiqh ]

Anyone know of any work going or best places to look.

Anyone know of any work going or best places to look.

Anyone know of any work going or best places to look.

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