Hello There Fellow Travel Peeps! 7th sept sydney on my own!

hello there every one! im a thread post virgin so thought i would get the cherry going with this intro. my names darryl people call me woodsy, im 24 male and a keen drum and bass, dubstep, electo, drinking fun enthusiast , ive come into a bit of money so thought go for it and have sold my stuff, got a visa and bought my plane ticket and am leaving it all behind for some sun, sea and straight up party madness. i have a few questions though if u beautiful people would be so kind to give us some answers. ive got the first couple nights accommodation sorted with a friend but after that im on my own so was wondering the best place to stay hostel wise? im on this trip for pure madness and would like my hostel to reflect my crazy, party intentions if ya know what i mean. preferably close to clubs bars etc. my excitement is slowly turning into fear which is proving amusing so and trying to keep an open mind to it all and not plan too much as i intend to go nuts on the organization and not go with the flow. if u could help me with this would be much apreciated. and if anyone else is going about the same time give us a shout company is always needed and would be good to know others r as mental as im feeling right now

hey woodsy,

i am flying into sydney on 13th september so hopefully you will still be about.
i cant give you much help on the hostel side of things, i am doing a week with ozintro when i first get there and they sort out accomodation for us. but, hostels are all over the place and they are mostly ALL about drinking and having the best time you can do.
the drinks are very expensive though. my cousin is living out there at the moment and the only cheap stuff you can get tastes like paint stripper but everyone drinks it because it gets you drunk easily and is so cheap!!
i think if you do a search for sydney hostels, youve probably already done this, but you can get to know a few of the places that are about and on offer. a lot of the places have websites that give the sort of place that they are and what they cater for. also, there is a site called hostelworld or something along those lines which also gives info on the hostels and gives reviews from people who have stayed there already so that might be of help to you too.
you say you're going to go nuts on the organisation side of things...try not to organise TOO much because your plans will change. my cousin found this and nearly everyone i have spoken to has said exactly the same thing!
one thing you might want to get organised is nye and christmas. it books up quite quickly, depending on where you want to be, and so you might want to get the ball rolling with that.
how long do you plan on being out in australia? did you say you have got your visa already?
if you have any more questions feel free to ask...im kind of in the same position, doing it alone but im really looking forward to it. just want to be there now!!!! :D

charlotte x

Hello There Fellow Travel Peeps! 7th sept sydney on my own!

Hello There Fellow Travel Peeps! 7th sept sydney on my own!

Hello There Fellow Travel Peeps! 7th sept sydney on my own!

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