Where to Travel to this summer?

Well, I have the most basic question or all: where to go!?

Have you ever been to Cambodia / Vietnam? Great place and lots of adventure to be had.

Western Europe next summer. Why not try Eastern Europe this summer?
Meets all the criteria you're looking for.. Rich with culture, full of adventure - and extremely cheap. Beautiful too.

Hi TalonToday!

Taking a trip with your father every year sounds great, I wish I had the same tradition with mine. Have you ever been to Scandinavia? It is perfect if you are looking for adventure and exploring.



If u are looking for adventure, exploring and living on the edge what u said , the best 2 places 2 visit is Cambodia and Thailand they are absolutely amazing countries in all the ways.This time for july and august they have really cheap offers for flights and hotels in thailand due to the political problems of this year.

enjoy you trip

What about South Africa?
It's so hot this summer

Where to Travel to this summer?

Where to Travel to this summer?

Where to Travel to this summer?

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